Short Cuts
"Sure, ignore all my hard work, philistines"-Whiney Site manager/creator

Sadly, only the Emerald Hills and Fairway Chatrooms are currently working. I hope Beseen finds the 'problem' soon. They claim to be working on it.

Shortcuts to the Chatrooms
The FairwayThis Chatroom is set in the part of the freehold where dreamers and fae alike can wander.
The WheelThis Chatroom is purely within the Dreaming, only fae/Enchanted can enter.
Dr. Lolly's Fun HouseThis Chatroom is part Inaminae anchor, & not always safe to the mental well being of any character entering.
The Dreamingused for all other places of the Dreaming or Enchanted world. Other Holds, other parts of A.H., or, of course, the Dreaming itself.
The Autumn WorldThis Chat room is for places unenchanted, mortal, or just plain Banal. From McDonalds to the D.M.V, use it for whatever chilled setting you require.
The Emerald HillsThis Chatroom is set in the Daireann Held "Emerald Hills". Hospitality is almost always granted, but commoners should mind their tongues.

Shortcuts to Description pages
The Main pageGives you a basic description of the overall layout and what your character sees from the Fairway.
The Fairy's WheelA more detailed looke at the heart of the Hold.
Dr. Lolly's Fun HouseThe Fun House is as twisted as it's resident, the Doctor. As such, this description really only touches on what you might encounter.
The CoasterFor this site, this translates into links, some that leads back to other sections of this site. Think of it as a metaphor for life :)
The Hall of Mirrorsat first glance, merely amusing, but if there is a sign of Jude's hatred of Ravaging, it is in here. Hapless souls behind glass.
The LibraryTechnically within the Wheel's domain, it still bears mentioning seperately. Many valued resources can be found here.
The DutchmanWhile essentially another 'links' page, I hope this description of the Dutchman may give players ideas of their own for adventure as well.

Shortcuts to Resource pages
The EscheatOr at least Jude's version of it. Liberally plastered about the Hold, it's very unlike any litterate character coming here won't read this.
A Highly inaccurate Map...of Ardenter Harbor. Located ICly in the library, this gives a rough layout of what the place looks like.
Aurora-Freedom's ShieldA story based on the actual transcript of Aurora's IC demise. My thanks again to the player for her approval of and help with this writing.
Map of Twin Hills Not too fancy, but for those who have characters who either would, or want to know the greater area, this might help.
News, Gossip, RumorsWhile often in need of updates (Sorry about that) this may give you an idea of the sort of thing your characters will be hearing.
MagicOr at least some part of it, as relates to Ardent Harbor. Admitedly, it's sort of a toss salad of glamourous effects about the entire place.
Noble Houses More precisely, how the individual Noble Houses are doing in the Duchy over all. Please, don't feel straitjacketed by this, these are just generalizations.
The CommonersThe blood and bone of any Changeling Setting, the Commoners are briefly mentioned here, and how each kith relates to the bigger picture. Again, don't feel constrained by this if you don't want to.
The GangSort of the Who's Who at AH, the Carousel page leads to most (though not all) of the PCs and NPCs you might meet at this site. Due for expansion soon.
Shortcuts outside of AH, but in Twin Hills
County of the ConchJude and Taelara rule this gem of the Duchy. This page fills you in a bit.
The WilderlandsTechnically, the Barony of Carmel, this page describes an area once war torn by battles tween Adhene and Kithain.
The Descent Run by Baron Jaden, this is the main "unseelie Hang out" of the County.
The Red DaleThis page describes an often overlooked part of fae society, the mortal dwellings. Perhaps a neighborhood bores you, but hey, your character could live here.
The Phoenix TheatreThe Description of the Hold of Jude and Taelara's vassal, Baron Rafial of Gwydion. Often overlooked in the shadow of Ardent Harbor itself, it's nevertheless a strong support to their Excelliences.
The County of the SunThis page describes a part of the County currently in flux. Stability holds there, for now.
First Hill Holdings Here you can learn of the Ducal lands and various independent holdings. No Count rules any part of this, though a few barons can be found.
The First HillLearn about Duke Ewan's personal Holding. From here, he rules the Duchy. Despite it's less than central placement to the Duchy, very little happens here that does not ripple throughout all the land.