Welcome to Erdinç Mutlu's Home Page !

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Hi ! I have Master of Science Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Here is my photos. Click here to learn more about me ! You can see my CV. Go and enjoy yourself...
We can chat with ICQ. My ICQ number is 51476684

* Bilkent Üniversitesi Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisligi Bölümü 1998 Yılı Mezunları Haberleşme Listesi
*Internetteki Türklerin listesi
Turks on the net (In Turkish)
* Türkçe şiirler ve şarkı sözleri
Turkish poems and songs
* Online guide to Türkiye ("Turkey" in English)
* Links to my Favorite WWW Pages and Exciting Places
* Have Fun
* My friends
* To look up a word in Turkish dictionary
* My CSE512 Homeworks

Send your comments to

Erdinç MUTLU
Use my e-mail address erdinc_mutlu@hotmail.com
or we can chat with ICQ. My ICQ number is 51476684

Last update: 08/16/2002