My major Lectures: Òsingle molecule on living cellÓ-AFM / integrin and chemokine crosstalk


2001 Prof. Horst Kessler; Organic Chemistry, Technical University of MŸnchen

2001 Prof. H.E. Gaub, Applied Physics, Ludwig Maximilan University, MŸnchen

2001 Prof. Heinz Hšfler; Pathology, GSF MŸnchen

2001 Stanford University

2002 University of Madrid

2003 Associate professor V.T. Moy, Physiology and Biophysics, University of Miami

2004 Prof. D. Drenckhahn, Anatomy, UniversitŠt WŸrzburg,

2005 Immunology Spring School, Kloster Ettal

2005 NanoScience summer school, GeneCenter Munich

2005 Prof. Peter Hinterdorfer, Biophysics, University of Linz, Austria

2006 Workshop Biophysics