The results of My visiter survey

Who visited my page ?
male 60%, female 0%, alien 20%, other 20%

Where did they live ?
Europe 10%, USA 70%, orbiting space shuttle 20%

How old are they ?
10-14 10% , 15 10%, 15-20 30%, 21-30 20%, as old as dirt! 30%

What kind of car do they drive ?
Ford 14%, Chevy 14% foreign 74%

what kind of Pc do they have?
IBM 25% Compaq 12% Packard bell 37% other 25%

What speed CPU do they have ?
200mhz12%, 166mhz 37%, 75mhz 50%

What browser are they using ?
netscape2.0 33%, netscape3.0 22%, microsoft2.0 11% microsoft3.0 22% other 11%

What speed modem do they have?
14.4 22%, 28.8 33%, 56.0 33%, ISDN 11%

What do kind of connetion do they have?
overpriced 30%, Direct 30%, busy 20%, wireless 10%, illegal 10%

What did they think of my amazing homepage ?
Execellent 60%, its ok 20%, Urg 10%,

A nominee for the "my homepage stink'th award" 10%

Comments about my homepage :
"what can i say, your homepage is cool man!" "yawn" "make another comments box"

The results of my Destruction Derby survey:

p>They thought my Destruction Derby Page was:
holy ground 53%, well designed 15%, more of the same 23%, no comment 17%

they visited:
once 75%, several 11%, countless 11% infinity and beyond 11%

After visiting they:
made it "home" 25%, downloaded all my graphics 37%, made a link12%,

created their own DD page 25%

Why they visited:
"needed DD2 info", "needed DD2 codes", "i don't know", "i have the game", "needed info for my own page", "i like video games and your page was the best one!"

What they like to do while playing DD2:
Remove body panels 38%, hit jumps 23%, cause pileups 53%, race backwards 61%, flip into the crowd 52%, run into the middle of the bowl in total destruction! 30% push wrecked cars into the intersections 23%

Why they looked at the codes page:
they were born cheaters 18%, they are really good but their little brother needed help 12%, unexplained browser error 25%, their finger slipped 25%, that was the codes page? 18%

What they enjoy wrecking into while playing DD:
the guy in first place 76%, the guy who wrecked them in the last race 38%, the "i am a loser car" 30%, the guy in last place 18%

Suggestions for DD3:
"go whereever you want", "internet play", able to land in the stands and smash the fans!", "different cars besides Rookie, Ametuer, and Pro" "more destruction"!!

Suggestions for secret cars in DD3:
"tank", "m60 tank", "a-10tank", "a car with rocket packs, lazer guns, and tire poppers", "911 porshe", "monster truck", "dodge road runner or other muscle car of the past"

Additional comments:
"nice page" "I love DD its just like my driving habits!" "more cheat codes please", "DD is a classic no doubt" "D!"

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