讓 Delphi 6 啟動時間加快的方法 I know how to make your Delphi 6 very, very, very fast !!! Here is step by step solution (be sure to read part 2): PART1. Usual steps (nothing new) 0. Open Delphi 1. Close current project ("File" -> "Close All") 2. Select "Install Packages..." item in "Component" menu 3. Look at "Design packages" 4. "Remove" all unused items (do *NOT* just deselect packages, you must use "Remove" button - otherwise packages will not appear anywhere, but still take memory and slow Delphi's start-up) 4a. Be wise. I bet you will never use "Sample components" or "QuickReports". Use "Components" button to see what components included in package. 5. Click "OK" (yes, part 1 only for dummies) PART2. KNOW-HOW ;-) 1. Exit Delphi 6 2. Open "BIN" subfolder of Delphi's folder 3. Looks at *.bpl files 4. Remove all unused bpl file (NOTE: do not remove them permanently (yet), Delphi's IDE requires some bpls. 5. Start Delphi. Answer "No" to question about loading package at next start-up. 6. Here you are. My Delphi takes only 14 mbs of RAM (27 before removals). It starts 4 times faster! Much faster then Delphi 4 and 5! PART3. What bpl files to remove: direct60.bpl - this will remove DelphiDirect !!! clxdesigner60.bpl, dclclxdb60.bpl, dclclxstd60.bpl, delphiclxide60.bpl - this will completely remove all CLX stuff (yesss ;) xmlide60.bpl - this will remove XML bindings designdgm60.bpl - this will remove "Diagram" tab in your code editor delphihtm60.bpl - this will remove HTML support (aka WebSnap HTML preview) corbaide60.bpl, delphicorba60.bpl - this will remove CORBA support delphient60.bpl - this will remove special "Enterprise" edition features delphipro60.bpl, proide60.bpl - this will remove "Professional" features (if you need to taste "Delphi Personal" ;-) ) FILES THAT SHOULDNT BE REMOVED (required for IDE to work) designide60.bpl tlib60.bpl vclhie60.bpl vclide60.bpl coreide60.bpl THIS LIST IS INCOMPLETE. BACK UP BEFORE YOU DO SOMETHING. DO NOT BACKUP INTO FOLDERS THAT IN YOUR PATH!!!! (perhaps "Recycle Bin" is best back up place) -------------------------------- Alexander S. Tereschenko alex@plastiqueweb.com http://futuris.plastiqueweb.com/