Aah, every page has to have one. No site on the net is complete without it. Incredibly informative and easy to use. No, I'm not talking about those awesome counters. I'm talking about a file dedicated to FAQ. I guarantee that you'll find everything you want to know, and plenty of stuff that you don't really care about in the below explanations. Proceed!
1. Well, for starters, what exactly is EMM386?
Ya know, I'm glad you came to visit my page and everything, but really, you should pay more attention to my links. Go back to my main page, scroll up to the near top, and read the first two paragraphs of my page. Come back when you're done.
2. OK, I've finished that, but now I want to know what a General
Protection Fault has to do with any of this.
Much, much better question this time. A General Protection Fault (GPF) is an error that appears quite often on many systems. I won't go into details, suffice to say that it involves a problem with memory. Anyway, it often leads to the infamous Error#6.
3. I followed you until the end of that last question. What exactly is
this Error#6?
It is the most common error detected by EMM386, and results in resetting your computer to minimize the chance of memory loss.
4. That's no reason to call Error#6 "infamous!" It's not the error's
fault, it's simply a product of it's environment!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! (Continuing screams of frustration) Either you
have absolutely no experience with computers, or you system is configured
much better than mine. Either way, from now on you'd probably be better
off skipping any documents of mine involivng EMM386.
5. Yikes! What a temper! Well, I suppose I'd better change the subject
now. Umm...what's with those "Calvin & Hobbes" .GIFS?
I am a big Calvin & Hobbes fan. Even if Bill Watterson did quit, they're
still the best comics available (with the possible exception of the Far Side).
Anyway, I've found a lot of Calvin & Hobbes GIF's, and it would be terrible to just let them go to waste. At first, I was afraid that they might go against the theme of my page, but then I realized, "Hey! This page doesn't have a theme!"
6. Well...that put him in a good mood, but it's not really what I
wanted to know. Okay, EMM, tell me, when exactly is this page going to
have some real content?
Well, knowing me, probably never. I suppose you should check out the "Coming
Soon" section whenever possible, just to make sure, but right now, I'm
just adding things a little at a time. I guess the answer would depend
on what you consider real content to be.
7. EMM, I have to be honest with you. This is undoubtably the best
private home page that I've ever seen. I have one huge favor to ask of you:
Can I please please put a link to your page on my page?
Sure! In fact, if you'll just E-mail me, I'll put a link to your page on
mine too!
8. One last question before I go. I've been all over the Internet, but there's one
question I've never seen answered: What exactly does "FAQ" stand for?
Well, I've heard many theories. The most common is that it's some ancient symbol, originating millenia
back and containing the essence of the human race. Either that or it means "Frequently Asked Questions." I forget which.
9. Well, I guess that's all. Any parting words of wisdom, EMM?
Yes, as a matter of fact, two of them: #1: Be sure to sign my guestbook.
Nobody else will. It's all up to you. Do you have what it takes? #2: Always
remember: Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.
Geez, what a weirdo! This guy has some real mental problems! I
mean, look at that .GIF below! Bizarre! Oh well, he's pretty cool anyway, even if he does have a bit of an ego problem!
Now, I think I'll go back and check out the rest of his page...