Squeaky - 01/16/00 05:20:53
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com/
My Email:doctorjones_23@yahoo.com
How You Found My Page: I was REALLY bored.
What You Liked: nothin
What you Diskliked: nothin
Suggestions for Additions: got milk?

Jeff Erpelding - 01/12/00 23:48:17
My Email:soul_daddy31@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: Asron's Wondrous Website
What You Liked: nothing
What you Diskliked: everything
Suggestions for Additions: put a turtle wearing underpants on the front saying, "to infinity and beyond"
I'm dumb. My website is going to steal everything from yours.

Karen - 01/09/00 05:48:56
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/karen_zone
My Email:karebear_34@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: Searched for Colonel Sanders
What You Liked: Colonel Sanders poem
What you Diskliked: color sceme
Suggestions for Additions: get off geocities
Hey and I said what-ho that absolutely wangs the nail over the crumpet 'cause it just struck me ya know as being the caterpillars boots Remember me? 1991 McDonalds? To refresh your memory look at my website buddy and you better email me and apologise for ignoring me for 9 years.

James - 12/22/99 09:49:06
My Email:jdwould@pgtc.net
How You Found My Page: dogpile
really would like not to have to turn my computer, 486, off every 30 minutes on the net. Didn't know that this general protection fault was so pervasive.

Melissa Ramsour - 12/10/99 21:04:15
My Email:knock.out@mailcity.com
Hey Dr. Krull-I am here at good old AHS, just saying hi! Seeya later

James - 12/10/99 20:18:17
My URL:http://www.jslfree.com/
My Email:freestuff@mailcity.com
How You Found My Page: AltaVista search
What You Liked: design
nice page

Xavier Pendragon - 12/03/99 06:53:27
My URL:http://none/
My Email:rsteeltemper@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: Memories
well, it seems you've done well in my absence. Drop me a line sometime and we shall parley to the misty dawn.

Jillian - 09/23/99 01:44:35
My Email:PsychoInTraining@crazedanddazed.com
How You Found My Page: Yahoo
What You Liked: Starwars quiz
What you Diskliked: your story didnt work
Suggestions for Additions: Put up some music dude!
Pretty cool page! I liked it! :) Kepp it up!

Ryan Peterson - 09/20/99 01:25:05
My Email:hqbard@hotmail.com
Long time. Still have that bottle of Mt. Dew?

PokeMaster - 08/28/99 14:26:48
My URL:http://www.oe-pages.com/ARTS1/Videog/pokemonstuff
My Email:jorgemanuel@infosel.net.mx
How You Found My Page: just surfed in
What You Liked: Ever Thing
What you Diskliked: Nothing
Suggestions for Additions: A Download for emm386 ,if theres an upgrade put that download

Dragonfrog - 07/12/99 05:22:48
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/Aurora/6465%20but%20it%20really%20really%20sucks...%20I'm%20not%20kidding
My Email:dragonfrog02@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: A friend sent me an email, recommending it to me 'cuz she thought your writing style was similar to mine, so I decided to check it out. It's awesome!
What You Liked: The NERDINESS MANIFESTO (and Addendum 1... I can't wait for addendum 2!)
What you Diskliked: The Star Wars Quiz... were I a fan of the evil thing, I might've liked it better...
Suggestions for Additions: Keep workin' on the Nerd Nexus!!!
It was a completely awesome, fantastic, marvelous, stupendous, radical, far-out, groovy (kindly excuse my old-fashioned jargon), nifty, and otherwise cool website. Sometime, when it's not 1:24 in the morning, I'd like to finish checking it out.

Dragonfrog (aka Josy) - 07/12/99 05:19:59
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/Aurora/6465%20but%20it%20really%20really%20sucks...%20I'm%20not%20kidding
My Email:dragonfrog02@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: A friend sent me an email, recommending it to me 'cuz she thought your writing style was similar to mine, so I decided to check it out. It's awesome!
What You Liked: The NERDINESS MANIFESTO (and Addendum 1... I can't wait for addendum 2!)
What you Diskliked: The Star Wars Quiz... were I a fan of the evil thing, I might've liked it better...
Suggestions for Additions: Keep workin' on

carolyn or "thor," the shimmering bowl of tapioca pudding - 07/06/99 06:38:08
My Email:skarbunkel@yahoo.com
How You Found My Page: umm, i was actually in the mood to take a 'star wars' quiz, so i did a search on yahoo, and voila!
What You Liked: most everything
What you Diskliked: and what's wrong with the Beatles?
Suggestions for Additions: pictures! we need pictures of you! no 'homepage' is complete without PICTURES!
this is a nifty page.

Adam (the Elite) - 06/28/99 23:18:35
My Email:sidewinder_as@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: yahoo
What You Liked: music :-}
What you Diskliked: weird name but great page
Suggestions for Additions: get some more themes( he's got the whole world in his hands,star wars music)
Awesomeż To any nerd at least. Keep up with the great music titles

???????????????????? - 04/26/99 22:01:11
My URL:http:///?????????????
My Email:?????????????????????
How You Found My Page: ????????????????????
What You Liked: ???????????????????
What you Diskliked: ?????????????????????
Suggestions for Additions: ??????????????????????
Cool Star Wars quiz!

Paul Andrews - 04/16/99 23:25:36
My Email:dean255@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: Went to the Musical page and deleted part of the URL
What You Liked: hmmmm... hard to say..
What you Diskliked: yep
Suggestions for Additions: hmmmm... differnt background....
I suggest that suggestions are good for people who's fingers arn't still cold from running today...(and don't think I shouldn't run)

the person who wrote below - 03/02/99 01:13:50
My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/on/squirtlespokewave
Suggestions for Additions: add the down load
I need it to play the no$gmb emmulater so i can play pokemon on my pc

- 03/02/99 01:05:56
My URL:http://www.anglefire.com/on/squirtlespokewave
My Email:fishu@mcsi.net
How You Found My Page: well I downloaded a game boy emmulater and it said I had like not enough memorey and to go get the emm386 prog. so I searched yahoo for it
What You Liked: pretty much everything
What you Diskliked: pretty much nothing

crazy_gal - 01/12/99 06:53:16
My Email:crazy_gal88@Hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: from web ferret
What You Liked: stuff
What you Diskliked: no dowlaods
Suggestions for Additions: GET THE EMM 386 DOWNLOAD!!!

Lady Sparklez - 12/28/98 01:46:54
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/~TheRumbles/
Thank you for signing my guestbook at Sara's Sparklin' Page!. Your page is really neat! Please check out The Rumbles and sign up your site if you are interested! I'm sure you would do great!!

Also, Happy Holidays!!

~Lady Sparklez

Lady Sparklez - 12/17/98 17:53:09
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/~TheRumbles/
My Email:I can't read any of these...so I ca'nt answer them :(
Hi! I was just seeing how you were doing, as we exchanged votes in the Site Fights ( Sara's Sparklin' Page! ) and to let you know that I've started up a new site competition called The Rumbles! if you'd like to join or help out, just click on there, and let me know!! :) ~Lady Sparklez

Ronnie T - 12/06/98 01:24:35
My Email:five_iron_1@hotmail.com
How You Found My Page: i now the homepage maker
What You Liked: everything
What you Diskliked: nothing
i like picking on seniors, so e-mail me scott!!! or i'll slice you with my bean-hook!! ha! ha!

Anonomus -={Viper}=- - 11/09/98 21:17:11
My Email:Evildice@aol.com
How You Found My Page: Searching for EMM
What You Liked: how interesting you are
What you Diskliked: could not find where to DL EMM
Suggestions for Additions: make a place where people can DL EMM!!!
I find this page interesting because you say that EMM is the program from hell yet you also name yourself after it and say you cant live without it... Screwy aint it

steve - 10/30/98 00:32:36
My Email:life@cnetech.com
What You Liked: all
What you Diskliked: none
Suggestions for Additions: download EMM386
please sombody who reads this coul you email me EMM386 are tell me how to get it free

Sheyrena - 10/20/98 02:56:06
How You Found My Page: Yahoo!
What You Liked: Star Wars Quiz
What you Diskliked: ------
Suggestions for Additions: ---------

10/18/98 19:59:58
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Tina Runion - 10/01/98 13:15:35
My Email:tiruni02@willy.wsc.edu
What You Liked: everything
What you Diskliked: nothing
Suggestions for Additions: none
i'll write more later when I'm done looking at your web page

Cindy - 09/09/98 14:58:42
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

EMM386 - 08/15/98 20:00:35
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SilionValley/9557
My Email:krull@hamilton.net
How You Found My Page: I'm a lucky guy!
What You Liked: The vast majority
What you Diskliked: Very little
Suggestions for Additions: Nope; that's why I asked. :-)
Hello! Just "initializing" this guestbook after giving it a much-needed cleaning. I'm sure it will be full again in no time, right?