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Ruffis's Wing Commander Home Page has won some awards!!!

Hi, and as always welcome to Ruffis's Wing Commander Home Page. As I'm sure that you may have noticed, it's been a VERY long time since I last updated this page. Sorry for my year and a half of being static, but, no need to worry as I will now begin to refit and modify the page (seeing since I was stuck in a time warp or something it's about time I get back to work). So as always feel free to look around and remember your always welcome here so keep checking back.

Click on the buttons bellow to check out some cool Wing Commander Info!

Click on the History button to check out the history of the Wing Commander Series, from WC 1,through WC 4. (REFITTING)

Click on fighters to look at soom of the best fighters in the Wing Commander Universe.(REFITTING)

And last (but not least) is the Links page. With lots of links to other great Wing Commander Sites, and just cool sites in general.(REFITTING)

Any Comments? Over the past year my e-mail address changed but I would still like to know what you think about this page, or if you just want to talk about Wing Commander Stuff in general. Just send them to

This Page was last updated on February 8, 1999
All Art work is Copywrited by ORIGIN SYSTEMS

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