Visual Basic Code
This Web Site is for sharing Short Visual Basic Routines. I am looking for really useful subroutines that everyone can use. I have including some routines that I have written, but I will post any routines sent to me that look interesting. Please do not send me routines taken from books or magazines without the author's permission. I am looking for code that exists in the public domain. If code published here can be written better, as often it can, please send me your recommendations and I will post them. This is also a code only area, please do not send me any form dependent subroutines.
Lonny Beal's Routines - To save space in posting, I have used the automatic variant declaration for all variables.
Function fnHR(x) 'I find it useful to turn time from the form of HH.MM into HH.HH for math fnHR = ((x - Fix(x)) * 1.66666666) + Fix(x) End Function
Function fnHMS(z) 'After the math, I return time back from HH.HH to HH.MM fnHMS = ((z - Fix(z)) * 0.6) + Fix(z) End Function
Function fnRad(z) 'To convert from Degrees to Radians fnRad = z / 57.295779513 End Function
Function fnDeg(z) 'To convert from Radians to Degrees fnDeg = z * 57.295779513 End Function
Function fnCS(X2) 'The VB functions of COS and SIN need the Radian 'equivalents of degrees fnCS = Cos(fnRad(X2)) 'Here shows an example of a routine that 'will allow degrees to be give you End Function 'a COS
Function fnACOS(Y) 'Since, there is no ARCCOS, here is one (using degrees) fnACOS = fnDeg(3.1415927 / 2 - (fnRad(fnASIN(Y)))) End Function
Function fnASIN(x) 'Here is the same for ARCSIN (ARCTAN is available) fnASIN = fnAT(x / ((1 - x ^ 2) ^ 0.5)) 'fnAT is a function like fnCS for ArcTan End Function
Private Sub Shuffle_Deck() 'This routine shuffles a global integer array DECK(52,2) message.Caption = "Deck Shuffled" 'representing a deck of cards. For x = 1 To 13 For y = 1 To 4 Cards(x, y) = 0 'The global integer array CARDS(13,4) is to insure Next y 'no duplicates are placed in the deck Next x For x = 1 To 52 ChooseCard: a = Int(Rnd(1) * 13# + 1#) b = Int(Rnd(1) * 4# + 1#) If Cards(a, b) = 0 Then Cards(a, b) = 1 Deck(x, 1) = a Deck(x, 2) = b Else GoTo ChooseCard End If Next x Counter = 1 'The global integer variable Counter is set to 1 to mark End Sub 'the available card to be pulled from the deck
Private Sub Get_Card() 'Here is the corresponding Get Card routine for the above Value = Deck(Counter, 1) 'shuffled deck Suit = Deck(Counter, 2) - 1 'Value, Suit and Counter are Global variables. This can be Counter = Counter + 1 'redone with local variables for Value and Suit End Sub
Public Sub CenterForm(frm As Form) 'Here is a handy routine that centers the form on the screen frm.Left = (Screen.Width - frm.Width) / 2 'You can send it the CenterForm Me command to center frm.Top = (Screen.Height - frm.Height) / 2 'the active form. End Sub
' Foyal Carter submitted this improvement to the above routine.
Private Sub CenterForm(F as Form) F.Move (Screen.Width - F.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - F.Height) /2 End Sub
Public Sub CenterText(str As String) 'This routine prints text in the center of the printed page pageMiddle = Printer.ScaleWiidth / 2 Printer.CurrentX = pageMiddle - (Printer.TextWidth(str) / 2) Printer.Print str End Sub
Public Sub PrtMulti(Stuff, Lines, Over) 'This routine prints Stuff over multiple lines with word wrap and Length = Len(Stuff) 'Over indentation. It passes back the number of lines used so Lines = 0 'the page length can be tracked. CounterLeft = 1 For Counter = 2 To Length 'It parses through stuff looking for blanks and returns to see 'where it can break the line. Any blank or Return after 55 'characters on a line will cause a line feed. If ((Mid$(Stuff, Counter, 1) = " ") And (Counter - CounterLeft > 55)) Or (Counter = Length) Or (Asc(Mid$(Stuff, Counter, 1))) = 10 Then CounterRight = Counter - CounterLeft + 1 If Asc(Mid$(Stuff, Counter, 1)) = 10 Then 'These If statements could be placed on one line versus 3 CounterRight = CounterRight - 2 End If If Asc(Mid$(Stuff, CounterLeft, 1)) = 10 Then CounterLeft = CounterLeft + 1 End If Temp = Mid$(Stuff, CounterLeft, CounterRight) If "" <> Trim$(Temp) Then Printer.Print Tab(Over); Temp Else Printer.Print End If CounterLeft = Counter + 1 Counter = Counter + 1 If CounterLeft > Length Then GoTo Skip 'Real men aren't afraid to use GOTOs If Asc(Mid$(Stuff, Counter, 1)) = 10 Then 'Here again this If could be done on one line CounterLeft = CounterLeft + 1 End If ReCheck = True While ReCheck ReCheck = False If Asc(Mid$(Stuff, CounterLeft, 1)) = 10 Then CounterLeft = CounterLeft + 1 Counter = Counter + 1 Printer.Print Lines = Lines + 1 ReCheck = True End If Wend Lines = Lines + 1 End If Next Counter Skip: End Sub
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