Welcome to Miller's Corner of the World Wide Web!

Hi I'm Miller

Welcome to my website.

On this page you will find some of my favorite ways to kill time, which is all there is to do in Reyno. The links should be active, click on a site and check it out. I hope that you enjoy some of my favorites.


Killer Categories


My favorite teams are the St. Louis Cardinals and Arkansas Razorbacks.

The Cardinals have two sites which I like:

St. Louis Cardinals Home Page: Lots of stats and profiles

St. Louis Cardinals Offical Website: Loads of info and merchandise

Here are some more Cardinal sites for the True Redbird fan.

FowlBall: The website of the magazine given away inside Busch Stadium.

National Baseball Hall of Fame:

If you like baseball at all be sure to check this site out

The Arkansas Razorbacks have several nice sites to choose from, but I will only list two:

Hogwired: What more can I say, they will hook you up with anything from screen savers to stats.

The Arkansas Razorback Web Ring:The ultimate source for Razorback sites.


Games are a great way to pass time, if you like games be sure to check out some of these links.

One of my favorite online games is Acrophobia, It's a challenging word game where you are given from 3 to 7 letters, and you must make a funny,witty, or topical sentence using the letters as the first letter of your word. You can click on the link below to go play:

Go Play Acro

(inactive team) Hot Tubbers Acrophobia Team:This is the old Home page of the Team I used to play with in the Team Acrophobia league, now an inactive team.

New and Improved Hot Tubbers Acrophobia Team:New Team with Familiar Faces, and that BIGTIME FUN, Hot Tubbers attitude.

Team Acro

Boxerjam:Game site from the people who created, Strike a Match, Know It All, Napoleon,Take 5, and Out Of Order. Also voted "Cool Site" of the year.

Candystand: A great games site from the people who bring you lifesavers.

Nabisco World: A great games site from the people who bring you Chips Ahoy cookies. Site has 3 different Miniature golf courses.

Adveractive Shockwave Games: I know, more Shockwave games, but if you have never been to Brunswick's Attitude Bowl, you have never bowled.


PCWorld.Com: A great site from the publishers of PC World Magazine. Downloads, Bug fixes, and Help and How-to's.

Tucows.com: Lots of downloadable applications, software, and anything else you may want.

Download.com: One of my favorite download spots. If you need something for your pc, this is a good place to look.

(Web Design)

If you are just starting your first web page these sites can be very helpful.All four sites are extremely helpful, and loaded with resources and tips.

Annabella's HTML Help: A Geocities site with answers to practically any HTML question.

Annabella's HTML Help

The Microsoft Site Builder Network: Be sure to check out Microsoft's site building resources and downloads.

(Interesting Places)

HST's Greatest Hits 95: A remarkable Nasa site with tons of actual pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope. Everyone should go here at least once. Be sure to check out the dying star, unbelievable.

Hope you found something you enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to sign my guest book, Thank you.

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Please come back soon, as I will update often.

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