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August 5, 2000 Hi Family and Friends! I hope you are enjoying your summer! I know I have had a busy summer! The week after school let out, I went to Florida (Shane stayed here in NC). I spent four days at the beginning of June with my parents and sister. We went to Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Typhoon Lagoon! After Magic Kingdom, we went to the Hoop De Do Musical Revue which was a musical comedy and dinner! Dinner was served, also; in addition, we played music on washboards! Afterwards, Kelly was inspired to do her own "Hoop De Do" dance (see the picture titled "Kelly dancing"). Kelly was pretty good! After spending the day at Sea World, we attended a Hawaian Luau. The entertainers did a variety of dances from the Hawaian culture. One man twirled fire which was amazing to watch! We had a fantastic time at all three parks! It was so much fun to go to Magic Kingdom. Sea World was great, too! Of course, Typhoon Lagoon (the water park) was awesome! Since four days just wasn't long enough for me...and because I didn't get to see the rest of my family, I planned another trip to Florida in July for ten days! Again, Shane stayed home and slaved at work! :-) This time, it was a surprise for my family. The only person that knew I was coming down was my Mom; since she had to pick me up from the airport! Mom told Dad that she had to drive up to Daytona to pick up some brochures that were being printed. Instead, she picked up me! To surprise my Dad, she dropped me off about 3 houses down from theirs, handed me her cell phone, and went home. In the mean time, I called my Dad to chat with him, while I walked to their house. While on the phone, I rang the doorbell and Dad answered. Boy, was he SURPRISED!!! He just couldn't believe I was there especially since I was still talking to him on the phone! It was wonderful! The next day, I surprised my sister! I also surprised my Auntie Barb, cousin Chrissy, and Grandma! While visiting, we went to the beach, the movies, I spent a night at my cousins and another night at my sister's new house (Kelly, your house is beautiful!), and Mom and I spent a day shopping at shops and boutiques on the beach! And of course, the highlight of that trip was going out on the motorcycle with my Dad! That was the best! In between those trips, I actually spent time with Shane, when he took several days off over 4th of July weekend. We went to a water park (Emerald Point Wet-n-Wild) one day! That water park was so much fun! They had a lot of fun, but fast slides! Another day, we drove 3 hours to the beach! Now, most of you know that I grew up within 30 minutes, at the most, from the beach: so a 3 hour drive seemed extreme. However, we had a wonderful time! The water was warm, but kind of rough. The day was beautiful! The beach itself was empty! We were surprised considering it was July 4 weekend! Shane and I also went to a local go-cart/mini-golf/laser tag/video arcade. We had the best time on the go-carts and playing laser tag! The mini-golf courses were a bit lame, though. But still, we had a great time! Today, Saturday, Kelly and Chrissy are driving up from Florida to come and visit me and Shane! They will be staying for a week. I'm sure we will all have a great time with them visiting us! Shane and I are very excited about them coming up! Believe it or not, I actually worked in between all my "play time". I babysat, again. But soon it will be time for me to start school again. This year I will be teaching a first/second grade combined class. I will have a full time assistant, too. Most of my upcoming second graders I know already! So there is an added advantage! Below are some pictures from my busy summer. Please take a few minutes to check them out! As always, feel free to e-mail me! Bye for now! Jodi
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