In Thawts now: Life as 'WE' know it
Coming Soon :
My Buying and Selling Page(Place for placing ads for things you want, or things you want to get rid off !!)
Check out my new Cottonian Page !!!
Welcome to my page on the Internet.
Hopefully you find interesting links and information on this page that will make you want to come here again.
- Under About Me you will find all the information you want about me.
- Clicking on Webpages will take you to my Webpage Construction Site. This is for those people that would like me to build them a webpage.
- Utilities takes you to some of the most useful utilities I have found on the Internet. This page is constantly being upgraded and added to.
- Passages takes you to links that I find interesting.
- Thawts are my own thoughts on some issues that are on my mind. Agree or disagree..let me know !
- Sports is obviously all the latest news and scores in Sports as well as my Chicago Bulls Basketball, Boston Bruins Hockey and Soccer pages.
- Here are Pictures of myself, my friends and my girlfriend !
- The Cottonian is for fellow Cottonians from Banglore !
I hope you enjoy these pages. Drop me a line and I'll be sure to write back to you.
Please remember to Sign my Guestbook ! Happy Surfing !
1997©Ranjeet Joseph Kurian