Swoosh2 Swoosh3 Swoosh4 Swoosh5 |
These are animated logos that I've done. Same basic theme to them, which is why I've grouped them together here. |
Swoosh5 | This is the mirrored logo that I used for the animated version of Swoosh5. I was so proud of it that I decided to include it here. |
Radar | This is a graphic I did as a copy of a design another company had. My boss wanted it, so he got it. It was my first foray into the creative use of layers in Adobe Photoshop. |
Shockwave | Like the last one, this is one that my boss wanted done. It's a visualization of something that he did on one of his presentations. |
Heavens | This is another visualization of something that my boss did on one of his presentations. |
Flex | This is a mock-up that I made while playing with a marketing concept I had. I plan on going back and finishing it one of these days. |
Michael5 Michael7 |
These are graphics I created for my nephew's baptism. My brother-in-law and I created the programs and we used these for the cover. |