Objects And Binary Relations

Andrew Girow


Some aspects and issues of integration of the Binary Relations Model and object-oriented approach are explained. We start with the simple Binary Relations Model and add abstraction mechanisms by building orthogonal IS-A and IS-PART hierarchies. This Binary Relations Model can play two roles. As a metamodel, it describes object-oriented concepts and can be used as a metabase for object-oriented design (OOD). As a datamodel, it allows you to link object applications to a binary database. A C++ library, BRL, based on binary relations, is then described in the last part.


Objects are becoming the leading software development approach. Capturing information into an object system has to work according to the basic model, i.e., its structure of information grouped into objects, its object types defined as classes, etc. In this text we will, therefore, adapt a more fundamental view of modelling, inspired by the Binary Relations Model (BRM) as described in several places in the literature [1], [2], [3].

This does not in any way limit the use of an object-oriented approach since one can construct algorithms that build the OOP project from the binary model afterwards. This is, in fact, one of the principal functions of the BRM that we will briefly describe in the sequel. This structure has many advantages: conceptual clarity, a higher level of abstraction, different abstraction mechanisms, closeness to natural language and reasoning together with formal specifications. Principally, this approach allows use of a great deal more semantics than a "classical" object modelling exercise, without sacrificing the foundation of the object model.


Abstractions are widely used in computer science to help in understanding complex systems and for data structuring. In data modelling three types of abstractions are used: generalization, aggregation, and association.

Generalization allows association with a set of symbols or types with one generalized type. The generalization "symbol-type" is named by classification, and the generalization "type-type" is a pure generalization. The generalized type has properties, general for base types. In other words, properties of the generalized type are inherited by base types.

Aggregation is an abstraction, by means of which an object can be constructed from other, base objects. Thus, if a type is a generalized and aggregate type at the same time, its subtype-objects inherit property-objects and consequently the properties of these objects.

Association is an abstraction, by means of which associations between types are established.

Aggregation and generalization can be used together to express structural and classification aspects of the typing process. The structure of a type can be presented as an aggregate of base types, and the aggregate can be generalized. The type classification can be expressed by the generalization hierarchy, the type structure by the aggregation hierarchy. We can consider these hierarchies as orthogonal.

Applying the approach "from bottom to top," the abstraction can be presented as a synthesis of complex objects from the simple ones. At the beginning, the classification of the symbols allows you to generate types. The types are connected by the associations, and then by using generalization and aggregation, new generalized and aggregated types are constructed.

Binary Relations Model

BRM is a graphical model. Vertexes V of the graph G(V,E) correspond to the classification "symbol-type", and edges E to the associations of types. The graph G, that responding to these structural representations and describing the intention of a binary database has the name of the type graph.

For example, the type graph G presents connections of types EMP-NO, NAME , TITLE and SALARY (see Fig. 1)

To define a binary relation it is necessary to specify the name of the relation, a key type, a value type, and a cardinal number:

      rel ( keytype, valuetype, relation, cardinal ).
The cardinal number 1 defines the functional relation, N defines the multiple-valued relation.

For the graph G (see Fig. 1), we have:

      rel(EMP-NO, NAME, NAM-OF-EMP, 1)
      rel(EMP-NO, SALARY, SAL-OF-EMP, 1)
      rel(EMP-NO, TITLE, TIT-OF-MGR, 1)
      rel(EMP-NO, EMP-NO, MGR-OF-EMP, N)
      rel(EMP-NO, EMP-NO, EMP-OF-MGR, N)

Figure 1. The type graph G.

BRM allows a number of "constraints." For instance, an employee can have only one name. This constraint has to be included in the NAM-OF-EMP relation definition. Constraints can be a part of the type operations specifications. They define constraints, which should be supervised and supported in the fulfilment of the type operations. Programs in BRM are objects of the type PROGRAM.

On the level of elements BRM provides the following main operations:

      generator   creates an object of a given type;
      killer      deletes an object;
      recognizer  returns an object type;
      accessor    retrieves value object using a given key object;

      tester      checks up the connection between objects;
      updater     connects objects;
      eraser      disconnects objects;
      key         returns a key object;
      value       returns a value object.

Figure 2. The BRM structural graph.

As a metamodel, BRM can describe itself. The structural graph G connecting the main concepts of the BRM is shown in Figure 2. For the BRM structural graph G (see Fig. 2), we have:

      rel(TYPE, PROGRAM, generator, N)
      rel(TYPE, PROGRAM, killer, N)
      rel(TYPE, PROGRAM, recognizer, 1)
      rel(RELATION, TYPE, key, 1)
      rel(RELATION, TYPE, value, 1)
      rel(RELATION, NUMBER, cardinal, 1)
      rel(RELATION, PROGRAM, accessor, 1)
      rel(RELATION, PROGRAM, tester, 1)
      rel(RELATION, PROGRAM, updater, 1)
      rel(RELATION, PROGRAM, eraser, 1)

Abstraction mechanisms

Applying the approach "from bottom to top" we will add abstraction mechanisms to the BRM.

[ ... skipped... ]

For our example in Figure 1 we have the following induced hierarchies shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Hierarchies induced by G: (a) IS-A hierarchy; (b) Association hierarchy; and (c) IS-PART hierarchy.


The BRM can play two roles in this integration. As a metamodel, it describes object-oriented concepts and can be used as a metabase for OOD. As a datamodel, it allows us to link object applications to a binary database.

We refer to the "classic" Booch's methodology [4].

A class is a set of objects with common structure and behavior. There are three types of relations between classes: generalization (IS-A hierarchy), aggregation (IS-PART hierarchy), and association.

Booch's OOD model at the level of logical design has two main parts: a CLASS STRUCTURE that corresponds IS-A hierarchy and an OBJECT STRUCTURE that corresponds IS-PART hierarchy. Other relations the OOD model presents in an OBJECT DIAGRAM.

In terms of BRM, a graph G that responds to these OOD structural concepts describes the intention of a binary metabase for OOD projects (see Fig. 4).

Figure 4. The G graph describes connections between basic OOP concepts where (a) corresponds to the OBJECT DIAGRAM (b) corresponds to CLASS STRUCTURE (c) corresponds to OBJECT STRUCTURE.

A binary metabase for OOD projects (see Fig. 4) can be described by the following relations:

      rel(OBJECT, OBJECT, association, N)
      rel(CLASS, CLASS, derived-from, N)
      rel(CLASS, PROGRAM, constructor, N)
      rel(CLASS, PROGRAM, destructor, 1)
      rel(CLASS, PROGRAM, funcmember, N)
      rel(PROGRAM, CLASS, classutility, N)
      rel(CLASS, CLASS, datamember, N)
For example, for the C++ library BRL that implements the BRM we can have the following fragment of the binary metabase.
      (BDB, BOBJECT)
      (BRO, BOBJECT)
Above we used BRL classes:

BOBJECT is an abstract class poviding the base for the whole BOBJECT- based hierarchy. The member functions provide the basic essentials for all derived classes and the objects they contain.

A database is a special collection of BREL type objects. The instance class BDB is derived from BOBJECT, and provides basic functions for storing and retrieving a collection of binary relations.

BLOT is an abstract class derived from BOBJECT. You can use BLOT to build lexical object classes. Objects are said to be lexical when they are atomic objects and can be placed in a lexical order.

The instance class BREL is derived from BOBJECT, and implements an atomic link between pairs of objects ( binary facts ) belonging to certain object types. No duplicate fact objects are allowed in a relation. The BREL recognizes some important constraints that are essential for a correct database design: If the cardinal of a relation is ONE it defines the functional link. Each key in a relation is unique. Only one value can be associated with each key in a relation. If the cardinal of a relation is MANY it defines a multiple-valued link. With each key in a relation, one or many values can be associated. Member functions allow you to retrieve the value object of a fact stored in the relation if you supply the key.

BRO is an abstract class derived from BOBJECT. You can use BRO to build complex object classes using binary relations as bricks.

As we said above, BRM allows us to link object applications to a binary database. below is simplified C++ code for the BRL to our example.

// EXAMPLE.H       It is a very simple example of a database
//                 definition.


// ------------------------------------------------------------
//     CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA: Non- redundant binary relations
// ------------------------------------------------------------

//        Objects


//         Relations


// EXAMPLE.OO    It is a very simple example of a database
//               definition.

// ------------------------------------------------------------
//     EXTERNAL SCHEMA: Classes and Objects
// ------------------------------------------------------------

class EMPLOYEE: public BRO
  NAM_OF_EMP nameOfEmp;
  SAL_OF_EMP salaryOfEmp;

  EMPLOYEE() { addGen(&nameOfEmp); addProp(&salaryOfEmp); }
  EMP_NO *empNo() { return (EMP_NO *)object(); }

class MANAGER: public EMPLOYEE
  TIT_OF_MGR titleOfMgr;


// LOOKUP2.CPP      Looks up a manager with the EMP_NO and
//                  retrieves his subordinates

#include "BRL.h"
#include "example.h"
#include "example.oo"

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  if( argc != 2 )
        cerr << "Usage:  lookup2 EMP_NO\n";
        return 1;

  bmachine->start();                   // Start up
  bdatabase->open("EXAMPLE");          // Opens the database

  EMPLOYEE *employee =  new EMPLOYEE;
  MANAGER  *manager =  new MANAGER;
  EMP_OF_MGR *empOfMgr = new EMP_OF_MGR;
  EMP_NO *mgrToLook = new EMP_NO;

  manager->open();                      // associations


  if( manager->access(mgrToLook) == NULL )
    cout << "\nNot found\n";
     cout << manager->empNo() << ": ";
     cout << manager->titleOfMgr() << "\n";
     cout << manager->nameOfEmp() ;
     cout << manager->salaryOfEmp() << "\n";

     cout << "\nSUBORDINATES: \n";
     BRI &emplist = empOfMgr->iterator();
     while(emplist && empOfMgr->key()->isEqual(*manager->empNo() ) )
        cout << "   " << employee->empNo() << ": ";
        cout << employee->nameOfEmp() ;
        cout << employee->salaryOfEmp() << "\n";
     delete &emplist;

  delete &manager;
  delete &employee;
  delete &empOfMgr;
  delete &mgrToLook;


In this article, the integration of the Binary Relations Model and the object-oriented approach were introduced. We started with the simple Binary Relations Model and added abstraction mechanisms. Two roles (metamodel and datamodel) of the Binary Relations Model in this integration were described. The C++ library BRL, based on binary relations, were then described.


[1] J. R. Abrial. Data semantics, in Database Management Systems, J.W. Klimbie and K. L. Koffeman, eds., North Holland, New York, 1974.

[2] G. Bracchi, P. Paolini, and G. Pelagatti. Binary logical associations in data modelling, in Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, G.M. Nijssen, ed., North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam, 1976.

[3] M. E. Senko. DIAM as a detailed example of the ANSI SPARC architecture, in Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, G.M. Nijssen, ed., North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam,1976.

[4] G. Booch. Object-Oriented Design with Applications, Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo Park, CA, 1991.

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