Andrew Girow
Traditional database management systems support a data model that consists of a collection of named records, each attribute of which has a specific type. This model is not adequate for future data processing applications.
Records provide an excellent tool to process information that fits a certain pattern. Other kinds of information do not fit as well into record structures. Some information cannot be presented in records. Other information can be presented in many ways.
Object Database Models (ODMs) that provide additional structures around the records overcome some of the functional limitations. None of them overcome all the limitations. Furthermore, by building on top of record structures, they retain all the underlying ambiguities.
2.1. Record strutures
By record we mean here a fixed sequence of field values, conforming to a static description. The description consists mainly of a name, length, and data type for each field. Each such description defines one record type. The remarks apply to any data model based on this kind of construct. This cleanly includes traditional ODM [1]
2.2. Limitations of record structures
The records of a given type describe a set of things in the real world (for example, employees). The record structure fits best when the entire population has the same kinds of attributes (for example, every employee has a name, address, department, salary). While exceptions are tolerated, the essential configuration is that of homogeneous populations of records, all having the same fields.
Although commercial data processing naturally focuses on areas that fit this pattern, the pattern does not always hold. In many cases although a certain group of individuals constitutes a single "kind" of thing, there is considerable variation in the facts relevant to each individual in that set.
This situation is fairly common. The employees of a multinational corporation might not all have social security numbers. Some books do not have ISBNs.
2.3. Records and information concepts
For information modelling purposes, one has to account for such concepts as entities and relationships. It is natural to identify entities with records. A record is a unit of creation and destruction, as well as of data transmission. Records are classified into types just as entities are.
Is there 1:1 correspondence between entities and records? No.
Entities are not always single-typed. There is some difficulty in equating record types with entity types. It seems reasonable to view a certain person as a single entity. Such an entity might be an instance of several entity types, such as person, employee, customer, stockholder, taxpayer, student. It is difficult to define a record type corresponding to each of these, and then permit a single record to simultaneously be an occurrence of several record types.
Note that we are not dealing with a simple nesting of types and subtypes as in a traditional ODM. All employees are people, but some customers and stockholders are not. Subtypes are not mutually exclusive: some people are employees, some are stockholders, and some are both.
To fit well into a records discipline, we need to perceive entity types as though they did not overlap. We should think of customers and employees as always being distinctive entities, sometimes related by a "is the same person" relationship.
One has to be very careful about the number of entities being modelled. If an employee is a stockholder, there will be two records (classes) for him; is he therefore two entities?
Even within a single type, there may be facts that are relevant to some occurrences and not others.
A binary relationship is a fairly simple concept: a named link between two entities. However, there are about half dozen ways to implement binary relationships in record structures.
There is no effective way to characterise "attributes," or to distinguish them from relationships. In fact, the most dominant correlate seems to be with record structures: if a field value is the key (reference or pointer) of some record, then it represents a relationship; otherwise it is an attribute. So this need we have to map things into records seems to be the main force motivating a distinction between attributes and relationships.
We have outlined a number of ways in which record structures fail to model semantics of information accurately and unambiguously.
Binary relations models are more directly based on semantic concepts rather than on record-like structures. Such models tend to be more functionally complete in their information processing capability, and more precise in their semantic modelling.
In this section, some concepts of the Binary Relations Approach are given. They are also described in several places in literature[2], [3], [4]..
3.1. Basic concepts
Objects that are part of the real word are called entities . Entities are associated with each other according to certain rules (relationships).
These observations allow us to construct a model of the real word containing the classifications of entities and rules. To do so, we will form sentences -- binary relations. This collection of sentences will be called a database schema.
Specific binary relations that at a specific instant in time exist in the real world will be recorded in a database.
In general, a binary relation consists of two terms: a key and a value,which refer to entities; and a predicate -- an access function that connects the terms by saying something about them.
example: "A person works in an enterprise."Figure 1
In general, an access function is a function that maps one object into the powerset of another (the set of all subsets).
When defining a relation, one gives the key and value object types involved, and one defines the access function and gives information about its cardinality. When the cardinal of an access function is unique then it is a function. When the cardinal of an access function is multiple then it is a multiple-valued function.
For the schema in Figure 1 we can write:
relation(works_in, person, enterprise, unique), where works_in name of binary relation (access function), person key object enterprise value object unique cardinal3.2. Database schema
A database schema is a collection of binary relations definitions. In Figure 2, we present a simple representation of the binary relations among important types of objects in a corporation.
Figure 2. Hypothetical information structure.
The ovals contain object types and the lines indicate how the object types are related.
In the Binary Relations Approach the type system is very simple and powerful. Objects types are divided into base types and abstract types. Base types are those like int, char, float, etc. that are implemented in a language such as C. Abstract types generally correspond to what are often known as abstract data types (ADT). One can only operate on such types through access functions (binary relations). Abstract types are created whenever the user creates binary relations.
After defining the abstract object types you can generate new types and build different hierarchies of types. In general you can use: generalization, aggregation, and association for building hierarchies.
We demonstrate this for our corporate information structure. We shall start with an empty database schema and add types step by step.
1. We inform the database that "Employees have commissions, names, and salaries," and create an EMP (EMPLOYEE) type as an aggregated type.
relation( employee_comm, Oid EMP, Float COMM, unique) relation( employee_name, Oid EMP, String EMPNAM, unique) relation( employee_salary, Oid EMP, String SALARY, unique)2. We inform the database that "Some of the employees have subordinates," and create a MANAGER OF EMPLOYEES type as a subtype of EMPLOYEE.
relation( manager_employee, Oid EMP, Oid EMP, multiple) relation( employee_manager, Oid EMP, Oid EMP, unique)3. We inform the database that "Employees work in departments. One employee can work in more than one department," and create an DEP (DEPARTMENT) type using association with EMPLOYEE.
relation( employee_department, Oid EMP, Oid DEP, multiple) relation( department_employee, Oid DEP, Oid EMP, multiple)4. We inform the database that "Some employees are managers of departments," and add a MANAGER OF DEPARTMENT type as a subtype of EMPLOYEE.
relation( manager_department, Oid EMP, Oid DEP, unique) relation( department_manager, Oid DEP, Oid EMP, unique)5. We inform the database that "Some employees are members of projects," and add a MEMBER OF PROJECT type as a subtype of EMPLOYEE.
relation( employee_project, Oid EMP, Oid PROJ, multiple) relation( project_employee, Oid PROJ, Oid EMP, multiple)6. We inform the database that "Projects have names," and add PROJ (PROJECT) as an aggregated type.
relation( project_name, Oid PROJ, String PRJNAME, unique) relation( name_project, String PRJNAME, Oid PROJ, unique)7. We inform the database that "Some members of projects are managers of projects," and add a MANAGER OF PROJECT type as a subtype of EMPLOYEE.
relation( manager_project, Oid EMP, Oid PROJ, multiple) relation( project_manager, Oid PROJ, Oid EMP, unique)Note that we are not dealing with a simple nesting of types and subtypes. Subtypes are not mutually exclusive: some employees are department managers, some are project managers, and some are both.
3.3. Binary Query Language
Binary Query Language (BQL) is an SQL-style language. BQL provides easy access to binary relations. We will use the database example described above to give an overview of the most relevant features.
As explained above, we can "navigate" from object to object using binary relations. To do this in BQL, we use "accessfunction()" notation, which enables us to access abstract objects, as well as to follow relations. For instance, we have a Department "dep" and want to know the name of the manager of the department.
The BQL query is:
employee_name(manager_department(dep))This example uses a unique binary relation. Let us now look at multiple relations. Assume we want the names of the employees of the manager "empmgr". We cannot write: "employee_name(manager_employee(empmgr))" because the result is a binary relation between empmgr and the set of employees' names. Instead, we use the select-where clause, as in SQL.
select employee_name(manager_employee(empmgr))The result of this query is a binary relation:
relation(manager_employee_name, EMP, EMPNAM, multiple).Now we have the means to navigate from an object toward any object following any relation.
Of course, the "where" clause is used to define any predicate to select the data. For instance, say we want to restrict the previous query. We are only interested in the employees who do not take part in a Project "prj". The query is:
select employee_name(manager_employee(empmgr)) where manager_employee() <> project_employee(prj)In the select-where clause, relations that are not directly defined can also be used. For instance, to find employees having a given salary we use the "inverse" keyword:
select inverse(employee_salary()) where employee_salary = 30000.3.4. Methods
The notation for calling a method (function) is exactly the same as for accessing an object or following a relation. This flexible syntax frees the user from knowing whether the property is stored (a binary relation) or computed (a method). For instance, to get the sum of the emloyees' salary we write:
select sum(employee_salary())Of course, a method can return a binary relation. For example, say we want only first two names of the employees of the manager "empmgr". We write:
select employee_name(first_two(manager_employee(empmgr)))Although "first_two" is a method we "traverse" it as a relation.
3.5. Polymorphism
A major contribution of ODM is the possibility of manipulating polymorphic collections of objects. We can carry out generic actions on the objects of these collections. For instance, all the queries against the EMPLOYEE extent dealt with MANAGER OF DEPARTMENT, MEMBER OF PROJECT, MANAGER OF PROJECT.
We have outlined a number of ways in which record-based object data models fail to model semantics of information accurately and unambiguously.
Object data models, building on top of binary relations, are more directly based on semantic concepts rather than on record-like structures. Such models tend to be more functionally complete in their information processing capability, and more precise in their semantic modelling.
The Binary Relations Approach was implemented in the Binary Relations Library for C. BRL is not a full featured DBMS. It does not support all the concepts of the Binary Relations Approach. However, BRL is a small, fast, and reliable engine. BRL provides basic tools for using binary relations in C and C++ programs.
[1] F. Bancilhon and G. Ferran. ODMG-93: the Object Database Standard., O2 Technology, CA, 1996.
[2] J. R. Abrial. Data semantics, in Database Management Systems, J.W. Klimbie and K. L. Koffeman, eds., North Holland, New York, 1974.
[3] M. E. Senko. DIAM as a detailed example of the ANSI SPARC architecture, in Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, G.M. Nijssen, ed., North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam,1976.
[4] A. Girow. Objects and Binary Relations, in Object Currents 1(6), SIGS Publications, NY, 1996.
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