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1: the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu) 2a: an incarnation of another person 2b: an embodiment usu. in a person (as of a concept, philosophy, or tradition) 3: a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity .... That's us folks!

Worlds Chat Gold just a bar

Online Friends- A Poem!

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(Presented July 16 1996)
Whoo hooo! Look what beach girl gave me! Eat your heart out guys! Hey Biglip, check it out! Bet you'd like one of these Seal! You'd like to be her "heartfriend" huh McKatt! *rubbin' it in* Um guys, Hey, you aren't going to tell her boyfriend about this, are you?  Guys! Where are you going? This isn't funny! He KNOWS where I live.. guys... guys... guys... *secret bunny paw wave*
But seriously, Thank You beachie! Love you too!
just a bar

sorry folks, no nude avatars on these pages

Smile! Avatar's camers
The End of the World!!
The World is Dead! Long Live the World!

Nuts Loony Tune Night

Bloodsucking Party

The Women Of Worlds Chat!

The Men Of Worlds chat

Screen Shot of Worlds Chat Gold

self portrait

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beach girl, Christy, Charles, KalvinWeilandx2, Rainbowx2, rachel, no fishing

I Survived the End Of The World!


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