Java Resources Site Information

What's Java?

Java is a simple yet powerful programming language that lets developers create interactive content on their Web sites. This content comes in the form of small programs called Java applets.

There are already plenty of applets out there on the Web. You can add one to your Web page with just a few lines of code! To create your own Java applets though, you'll need the Java Development Kit (JDK), which you can download from You can then try out the examples in Java Resources.

If you'd rather not stare at the monitor for several hours reading the online documentation, I recommend Que's hefty Special Edition Using Java—it's quite a thorough reference.

Some Notes on the Tutorials

The examples in Java Resources take you on a whirlwind tour through Java. Because they go at a very fast pace, it will be easier to understand them if you have prior programming experience in another structured language, such as C++ or Visual Basic.

Typographic conventions: In syntax descriptions, italic monospace means that the text is a placeholder for something else, and brackets [] surround optional code. Code that you should add or change is blue.

Since some of the lines of code are quite long, Java Resources is best viewed at a resolution of 800x600 or higher.

You can return to the Java Resources contents page whenever you want. Just choose the UP navigation link at the top of any page.