Working with Bytes, Words, and DWords
The LoByte and HiByte functions return the lower (least significant) and upper (most significant) 8 bits of a word (which, like an Integer in Visual Basic, has 16 bits):
For example, LoByte(&H1234) = &H34
and HiByte(&H1234) = &H12
The MakeWord function combines a low byte and a high byte to form a word:
For example, MakeWord(&H34, &H12) = &H1234
The LoWord and HiWord functions return the lower and upper 16 bits of a double word (which, like a Long in Visual Basic, has 32 bits):
For example, LoWord(&H12345678) = &H5678
and HiWord(&H12345678) = &H1234
LoWord and HiWord both return an Integer. If you'd rather work with Longs, use the LoWordAsLong and HiWordAsLong functions instead:
The MakeDWord function combines a low word and a high word to form a double word:
(Note that this function is called MAKELONG in the Windows API.)
For example, MakeDWord(&H5678, &H1234) = &H12345678
See Also
Microsoft Knowledge Base
Copyright © 2002 Rising Productions. Last updated: May 1, 2002