Escapism? Whaddaya mean, escapism?

I love to read, especially science fiction and fantasy. Science fiction has been something I've always enjoyed, although I tend to go for the social/speculative kind more than the hard core science stuff.

One of the premier authors in this genre is Robert Heinlein. If you want to know more about him click on the logo:

Someone who writes like a travelogue is Jack Vance; another real good author if you like stuff like this is Roger Zelazny.


One of the real classics is of course J.R.R. Tolkien. If you are a fan of hobbits and Middle Earth, go look here:

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(If you're not, SHAME ON YOU!!!!! Go follow this link IMMEDIATELY!!!!)

These are ones I return to time and again, and there's a lot more I love, but my all time favorite is probably...

drum roll....


Terry Pratchett

The grand master of tongue-in-cheek fantasy

He writes pure fantasy, and it's incredible how much fun he can stuff into his books, it's like reading Monthy Python (don't get me started on them... or Fawlty Towers... I'll keep swapping quotes with you for hours... know what I mean? Nudge nudge wink wink...). Anyway, I won't tell you anything about Terry's books, so as not to spoil the fun, but you can find out all about him and the books here.

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©Karel Pieterson