The Independent Advertisement Campaign

for IBM's OS/2

The Independent Advertisement Campaign (IAC) signed up on 08/14/97 06:29:50, and is in the process of moving in .

The IAC's Mission is to:

The IAC will accomplish this by:

This may seem like a strange mission to pursue, but IAC feels that if OS/2 is NOT actively promoted to the General Computer Public as a viable Kitchentop (Home Use), Cratetop (Small underfunded Business), Desktop (Larger or better funded Business), and File Server, the ultimate result will lead to the demise of the Hardware and Software Venders, and Support Technicians, thus leading to the death of OS/2 itself.

Please leave any comments or ideas you have and check back soon.

® IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
TM Windows, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

All other tradenames belong to their respective holders.

This site has been designed, and is maintained by The Independent Advertisement Campaign for IBM's OS/2, ©1997

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