Dan's Art Gallery
I have been playing around with ray tracing for a while, but I am still not as good as I want to be. In the meantime, here are a few scenes that I hope you think are interesting. Just click on any of the thumbnail pictures to view a larger 800 by 600 pixel version of it. Feel free to download any picture that you like. I only ask that you not use these images commercially without asking me first. My e-mail address is hastings@inetdirect.net. I made most of these images using a ray tracing program called POV-Ray, but lately I have been experimenting with Bryce 4.
Click to display an 800 by 600 version of this image This is my latest scene. It is one of my first attempts at using Bryce 4. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of this image. I also have a short Quicktime video of this scene. My world1.mov file is 815KB in size.
Click to display 800 by 600 and additional thumbnails This is a wheel shaped space station. The entire scene was rendered with POV-Ray. I have another closer view as well as a view from the inside. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of this image as well as thumbnails of the other views.
Space Station
Click to display 800 by 600 and additional thumbnails This is one of my newer scenes. It is an alien city flying above a water world. I used sPatch to create the platform, five of the buildings, the fliers, and the alien life form. Of course, the final image was rendered with POV-Ray. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of this image as well as thumbnails of other views of this same scene.
Alien City
Click to display 800 by 600 This was my first attempt at rendering a 3D picture. I know it's not very creative, but I learned a lot by doing it.
Martian Invasion
Click to display 800 by 600 I created this picture after watching the movie Mars Attacks. I changed the flying saucers a little, but I like the basic shape. It reminds me of the science fiction that I used to enjoy as a child. I also have a short video of these scenes. My invasion.avi file is 1,917KB in size.
Click to display 800 by 600 This is the second picture in my Martian Invasion series. In this scene, the Martians have just arrived at Earth and are just beginning to attack.
Click to display 800 by 600 This is the third and final picture in this series. In this scene, Earth is fighting back and is chasing the Martians away.
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