Duke Nukem 3D

In the game write:

•DNALLEN-Display "Buy Major Stryker"
•DNBETA-Displays "Pirates suck"
•DNCASHMAN-Lets you throw dollar notes when you press space...
•DNCLIP-No clipping, walk through walls (toggle)
•DNCOORDS-Shows your coordinates
•DNDEBUG-Displays debug information
•DNINVENTORY-All powerups
•DNITEMS-All items
•DNKEYS-All access cards
•DNKROZ-God Mode
•DNMONSTERS-Removes all monsters (toggle)
•DNRATE-Displays frame rate
•DNSHOWMAP-Shows entire map (toggle)
•DNSKILL#-Changes the skill level
•DNSTUFF-All items
•DNSCOTTY###-Warps to desired mission, level
•DNTODD-Display "Register cosmo today"
•DNUNLOCK-Unlocks all doors
•DNVIEW-Shows Duke in front of you
•DNWEAPONS-All weapons and full ammo