Quake 2

Type in the following code during gameplay (Use the console as in quake 1):

give all-besides putting the above in your inventory also gives you 999 of the following: Environment Suit, Data CD, Power Cube, Pyramid Key, Data Spinner, Security Pass, Blue Key, Red Key, Commander's Head, and Air Strike Marker.

g_unlimited_ammo 1-Unlimited ammo
give all-All Items
give blaster-Blaster
give bullets-Bullets
give cells-Cells
give grenades-Grenades
give grenadelauncher-Grenade Launcher
give invulnerability-Invulnerability
give jacketarmor-Jacket Armor
give machinegun-Machinegun
give mines-Mines
give nuke-Nuke
give quad-Quad Damage
give rebreather-Rebreather
give rockets-Rockets
give rocketlauncher-Rocket Launcher
give shells-Shells
give shotgun-Shotgun
give slugs-Slugs
give shotgun-Super Shotgun
give silencer-Silencer
god-God Mode
noclip-No Clipping
notarget-No Target Mode
Access your inventory by pressing "TAB". Navigate with "[" and "]".