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author totierne, verion 0.01, Jan 28 2003.

I am involved in Science For The People so I am trying to work out how the pseudo science/psuedo engineering of computing can be given to people in bite sized chunks to assume people are intelligent but not open to taking in impenitrible jargon. In true community fashion I am trying to open this question to a wider audience and let the free loader/surfer/google user decide where further effort shall be placed. Follow the links below to 'vote' for more of this sort of thing:
[Unfriendly Discussion Page]

Profiles of Profit and Non-Profit in the Computer Industry  

A Tale of Three Platforms - Windows, Macintosh, Linux (Java?)

Pressures in the Market - Windows, Macintosh, Linux

From Craft to Production Line, the Commodification of Work. [Based on my experience in the Computer industry]

Community and Network Aspects of Computer Programs: from AT&T *nix to Windows to Linux.

Intellectual Property Issues - Copyright, copyleft, trademarks and patents. [DVDs, CD, fair use, eBooks]

Software Development Strategies Old and New - Waterfall, Object Orientation, Extreme Programming

Other - Vote that there has got to be something else my 4 years of university education and 9 years work experience can drag up of interest to the non specialised reader

Others include:

What has war ever done for us? Well there is the internet, dual use funding ...

Spam Filtering and the Economics of Spam

State Control: Internet filtering and free speech in America, Saudi Arabia and China

International Outsourcing: Workflow across frontiers, can repackage and resell Russian an Belarus labour, to American Multinationals in Ireland, to everyones benefit?

Thank you for voting,

Turloch O'Tierney