Scripts 0.3 15Apr2004

whence2 searches path for files, using regular expressions
includepipe directions for finding where defines are defined in a .c file by producing a .i file and greping included files
sqlmon strip oracle trace files down to agregated sent and received information
trivialapp timestamps information into a log file
emailtoweb converts an email with a matching subject into an entry on a web page
topmem process ps command information to sort by memory
parent show parents and parents parents of a process id
childer  show children and childrens children of a process id
replace  rename path references within the files
filelock use a lock file to serialise access to files
buildlib creates file of modules in libraries
buildsym creates file of symbols in libraries

implementations removed as these belong to my empoyers

Left out:
cscope wrappers
truss output malloc/brk analysis