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A Disturbing Collection of Clip Art From The Deep End of Sixteen Years of Note Taking from Every Subject from Audio
Engineering to Farrier Science to World Missions

Hi, I'm Blake Simpson, and I am a full-time worker with Youth With A Mission in Mérida, Venezuela!  Since I became a Christian some sixteen years ago, God has allowed me to do and learn many, many different things, and in the process I took notes.  Now when I do that, I often illustrate a concept that's being discussed, or, if I'm not paying attention (or even if I am), strange apparitions ooze out of my Faber-Castell Uniball Micro onto the page.

Here on the mission field, where I'm involved in music ministry, I don't currently have access to my many, many notebooks spanning such diverse subjects and courses as Youth With A Mission's Discipleship Training School, The Recording Workshop, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, the Farrier program at Walla Walla Community College, and just good ol' Bible Studies on Tuesday nights.  But I'm going on a four-month furlough from which I return in mid-April, and (James 4:13 notwithstanding) I plan to bring many years worth of notebooks from which to scan more strangeness.  So don't look for any updates until then, okay?

In order to save any of these free images, simply right-click on them and choose "save".  (I don't know if that works on a Mac, but Macs do your thinking for you anyway.)  I Cor. 2:9 says "No Eye Has Seen…"!   ]¿?/

Panufo dice «¡Hola!»

© 1999 Art Geco..  All rights reserved.  Any problems with this page?  Tell me quick before your computer melts down!