South Korean Flag

This is just a simple page to show you all our pictures of Korea.  This will be a lot easier than trying to email them to everyone.  Enjoy!

The right view of our alley from our roof.

Looking towards the base, in the Ville.

Looking away from the base, in the Ville.

I love the droopy ears on these choppers.

This guy flew right over me.

The infamous Poo-poo creek.  This is why we don't swim in the water.

One of the farms right outside the base.

One view of the rice paddies.  This is at their greenest.

Another view of the rice paddies.

Those white dots are the many cranes we see on the base.

The infamous banana spider.  Paul was bit by one and had welts on his neck for a week.

One of the few birds we see around here.

War Memorial