Music for The Elite Project

A selection of original MIDI files

This website was last updated on Friday 12 March 1999
No further updates are planned


12 March 1999
As many of you will have noticed, I have been remarkably inactive over the past few months. My work, coupled with a lack of inspiration, has led me to conclude that this will, perhaps, be the last update to these pages for quite some time. I do not intend to produce any more music for TEP. I will leave the website online, and TEP remains free to use any of my music contained in these pages. If GeoCities subsequently decides to remove the site due to a lack of interest/updates, I will not revive them.
Best of luck to the TEP Team.

13 January 1999
Matthew A. Fossa recently asked me to include some of his original music on this website. As a result, this page now links to two separate pages. The first contains the music I, as an amateur, have written for The Elite Project. The second, Matthew's page, contains the music that he, as a real-life honest-to-goodness musician, has composed. Naturally, Matthew's work remains his sole copyright and was not composed exclusively for TEP, although he is eager to contribute and the TEP team can use any music contained in these pages.

The Works of Tom McKinney
Last updated Friday 4 December 1998

The Works of Matthew A. Fossa
Last updated Friday 12 March 1999

Links to other sites on the Web

The Elite Project Homepage
The Elite Project Resources including links to all TEP Contributors' websites

Copyright © 1998, 1999 Tom McKinney

The unfortunate few who have been coerced into visiting this page now number

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