Hi, I'm Paul and I am from Malta ( that little island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea ).

I'm into electronics so expect to find something on the subject here, such as trouble-shooting TV / VCR (Video) problems. I'm into non-linear editing as well, using the Rainbow Runner Card with Media Studio 5.2 Pro ( thanks to Ulead they are offering the upgrade from V5.01 free of charge ).

Page 1. This page
Page 2. Trouble-shooting TV / Video
Page 3. Non-Linear Editing ( and two Rainbow Runner (series 1) secrets.)
Page 4. Windows tips
Page 5. Home-made animated GIFs
Page 6. Who do we think we are ? ( not Deep Purple )
Page 7. Useful pictures
Page 8. Downloads
Page 9. Sta. Lucia Database

My Home Site.
Malta Information (one of the best sites) here.
Suggestions/Enquires here.

Last updated 10st June, 2000.


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