This is Katie and Lindsey's Data Processing project. Its really... um... special (like Josh). We hope we don't scare you too much... actually... we do! BOO!

  • Katie's Webpage for this years Data Processing Class

  • Lindsey's Webpage for this years Data Processing Class

  • Stuff We Do In Class When We're Suppose To Be Doing Work-- WITNESS what we do in class when we're suppose to be doing work...

    The Best Of Bob The Car-- SEE the amazing adventures and all the wacky shenanigans of Bob The Car!

    Useful Stuff We've Actually Done In Class-- Theres not much here, because, well... we havn't done anything much in class...

    Links!-- GO to other pages when you're done being frightened here. This is a list of pages that we frequently go to when we're supoose to be doing our work in class...

    Stalking Tips From Two Experts-- STALK people! Just don't blame us. Tell them Rosanna made you do it.

    Katie And Lindsey's Messed Up Board-- POST a messege on our really messed up bulletin board!!!

    The Gummi Bear Experiment-- Don't ask, just go.

    The Religion Stories From Hell--Stories we wrote in Religion class.

    E-mail us!
