Take 5 mad people, throw in a bag of gimmicks, a couple of instruments and add about 1000 W to the backline. Shake well, then let it sit for a while.

What you get is a blazing cocktail of sound  with  just the right touch of spice, that will always grab your attention.

But be careful, it's addictive...

Garden of Eden has been my home for music over the past years. It's the place where it all began...

A friend of mine told me Chris Ruhm was looking for a singer, so I said I'd drop by and have a look at it.

We met at Carsten Weissbrot's house, (who was Keyboarder for the first two years, before  he left the Band) in the basement. It was a 15mē room where I had to duck, not to bang my head on the ceiling.

Although the first jam was pretty rotten (me as well as them), I figuered I should at least come a second time, and as it seems, it was a good decision.

We needed a drummer, so I asked Sammy Meyer, whom I knew from the band Sleepwalker, that I used to hang out with.
We kicked out our previous (pretty crummy) bassplayer, and somebody came up with one of the fattest rocking rhythmmachines I know: Sethos Greulich.

Along with the two originals on the guitar (Chris Ruhm, and Olli Wellmann), we were all set to rock the House, as:

You wanna know where the name comes from? Don't ask me! I have no idea, it was just somehow always that way...

So, untill now, we recorded two albums  (The Minds Mirror and Mickey and Daisy), played all over the place, and most of all: We had a shitload of fun!

You wanna know what's new? Click on the logo, it'll bring you to the official homepage of GARDEN OF EDEN.

So, who dares to enter paradise???
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