Kursor2000's Home: A Spiritual Interest Resource Kursor2000's Home: A Spiritual Interest Resource

ello, my friends. I want to thank you all for coming to my home on the Internet, a resource for your spiritual interests. You are welcome here.

Like everyone else out there, I have a number of passions in my life, a variety of interests that intrigue me. I intended to use this site as a tool for expressing those interests to the world by giving people a resource for information on them. I was going to offer assistance in dealing with problems in Windows (based, in part, on already existing data, but also on my own experiences), and include such topics as computer programming (in languages like Visual Basic and HTML) and so on. I may decide at a later time to add some of those things to this site, but there are already a wealth of sites out there that provide information of those kinds. So I want the primary focus of my little corner of the Internet to be on another of my great passions in life. And that is spirituality.

I wasn't very much into spirituality until a few years ago. I would listen with genuine curiosity at times when the topic came up, but it wasn't a big part of my life; it was more of a passing interest to me, something I could take or leave. (Indeed, back then, this site would have been about those things mentioned above, not what it is about now.)

But then something happened; my life was totally turned around, changed forever. I was exposed to an absolutely amazing book called Conversations with God. I read through it, marveling at the incredible truths contained within, struggling with other truths that challenged my model of the world. It opened me up, helped me to think--really think. I was never going to be the same.

Since then, with CWG and my newfound spiritual friends as my guides, my passion for spirituality has scaled the heights. Instead of living my life with a casual interest in spirituality, I've united the two, doing my best to live what I feel in my heart to be true. Of course, that's not always an easy thing to do, as I'm sure most, if not all, of you can attest to. We do tend to allow ourselves to get caught up in what I like to call the Illusion of Life from time to time, forgetting our Oneness with God, and with each other. But that's perfectly all right, for it's all part of what I also like to refer to as the Divine Process of Life. We're all doing the best we can, and we're all going to be--indeed, are, right now--just fine.

But I've digressed from the main topic here. I decided to center the subject of this site on spirituality. I believe it to be one of the most important journeys--really, the most important--you can be on in life, and I want this site, this small part of the Internet that represents me, to be devoted to that, to reflect how passionate I am about it. So here it is. Enjoy!

May the Highest Peace, Joy, and Love be with you all, always and in all ways.


Dictation from the Holy Spirit Dictation from the Holy Spirit
Go to Dictation Home Page

Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. We'd love to know what you think of the site--the design, the ideas expressed, everything. So please send us a note. We look forward to hearing from you.

Update History
  • Added dictation on the Gospel of Thomas.
  • Added dictation on Proverbs.
  • Uploaded new design of the site.
  • Added dictation on Psalms.
  • Added more dictation on the Gospel of John.
  • Added dictation on the Gospel of Matthew.
  • Added dictation on the Gospel of John.

About this site
Created January 31, 1999.
Last major update November 11, 2000.
Last minor revision April 20, 2000.
Can be viewed in Netscape Navigator Version 3.0 (the scripts do cause one problem, but it can be overcome simply by acknowledging it when the error message comes up) and all versions of Communicator, but works best in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and above (I haven't had the opportunity to test it in any previous versions).
Can be viewed at any screen resolution (640x480 and above), and would look best in 24-bit true color or higher.
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Created with Microsoft FrontPage.
Graphics designed with Paint Shop Pro by Jasc Software.
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