Frederick (Keith) Houwen
205 Benton Drive
Apartment 10301 Allen, TX/USA 75013
Home Phone (214) 455-3484

Click here to download resume


Over 7 years experience in building Object-Oriented applications and Web based information systems across multiple platforms.
  • Extensive experience as an Information Technology Consultant in both development and supervisory roles
  • Actively participated in a wide range of full life-cycle development activities which included systems analysis, architectural design, application coding, testing and code maintenance
  • Involved in client growth activities such as skills/technology mentoring, product training and client education


PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Java JDK 1.3, JavaScript, HTML, C/C++, Smalltalk, SQL
RELEVANT API’S: J2EE ( JSP, Servlets, JMS, JDBC, RMI ), Java Beans, Applets
METHODOLOGIES: Booch, Rumbaugh, OMT, Visual Modeling Technique, UML, Extreme Programming
CASE TOOLS: Rational Rose
DATABASES: DB2, Oracle 8x
OPERATING SYSTEMS: OS/2 Warp, OS/2 vx, Windows NT, Windows 9x, Unix
DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTS: Forte, IBM VisualAge Java, IBM VisualAge Smalltalk, Visual C++, IBM VisualAge C++, Adobe LiveMotion, Hot Metal Pro, JProbe


02/01-Now Member of Technical Staff, Avaya Communications: Dallas, TX
Avaya, formerly the Enterprise Networks Group of Lucent Technologies, is a worldwide leader in the sales of messaging and structured cabling systems and a U.S. leader in sales of enterprise voice communications and call center systems. As a member of technical staff, my role is to assist with the design and development of the IS3 (Intelligent Solution Support System). This application is an N-tier component-based architecture used for provisioning and maintaining voice mail servers

Development Activities
  • Participated in the development of the beta release of client's corporate Intranet site
  • Performed full life cycle development using UML
  • Conducted prototyping sessions for user interfaces by means of JavaScript, JSP, and HTML
  • Assisted in architecting and coding Web interface/Presentation logic layer (JSP, Java Beans, Servlets)
  • Assisted in architecting and coding Java server side business domain objects (Servlets)
  • Coded data layer (JDBC)
  • Coded infrastructure service layer component
  • Refactored Java code and developed unit tests
  • Trouble-shot errors and performed bug fixes
  • Mentored/Trained less experienced team members in Java, Web Technologies and Object Oriented methodologies
Environment: N-Tier, Forte, Weblogic, Windows NT, Solaris, Oracle 8i, Jprobe, CVS, Hot Metal Pro

03/99-02/01 Sr. Associate II, Cap Gemini Ernst &Young: Dallas, TX
CGE&Y (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young) is one of the largest Management and IT consulting firms in the world. As an onsite consultant for one of CGE&Y’s telecom clients, assisted in the conversion of existing applications from legacy Smalltalk into Java. The Java product produced was a corporate intranet order entry tool used by customer service personnel. Spent 75% of efforts performing application development (in Java/Smalltalk) and 25% of time carrying out project management related activities.

Development Activities (75%)
  • Participated in the development of a major release of client’s corporate Intranet site
  • Assisted in architecting Smalltalk to Java conversion
  • Performed full life cycle development using UML
  • Conducted prototyping sessions for user interfaces by means of JavaScript, Java Applets, and HTML
  • Coded Java server side domain objects (Servlets/Java Beans/RMI/JDBC) from Smalltalk domain objects
  • Coordinated product, system and regression testing
  • Refactored Java and legacy Smalltalk code
  • Trouble-shot Java / legacy Smalltalk code and performed bug fixes
  • Mentored/Trained less experienced team members in Java, Smalltalk and Object Oriented methodologies
Project Management Activities (25%)
  • Worked in client’s Production Support department and managed a subset of Production Support related tasks
  • Handled various project activities; development and maintenance, issue resolution, status reporting, and resource planning
  • Supervised 4 technical team-leaders
  • Set up communication vehicle between development groups to improve customer service
  • Coordinated and presided over weekly project status meetings
  • Provided “Level of Effort” estimates
Environment: N-Tier, IBM VisualAge Java, IBM VisualAge Smalltalk, JRun, Windows NT, Oracle 8i, Adobe LiveMotion, Hot Metal Pro, Rational Rose

10/98-03/99 Independent Consultant, Republic Financial Services: Dallas, TX
Republic Financial Services provides residential title insurance and commercial title insurance products. As an onsite consultant working as a technical team lead, coordinated all development activities to bring company’s call center application to its beta release.

Development Activities
  • Assisted in the Design and coding of call center application using Smalltalk
  • Performed full life cycle development using UML
  • Created training courses in Smalltalk and Object Orientation
  • Supervised 5 application Developers
  • Represented I/T department during task meetings covering status and issues resolution
Environment: 3-Tier, IBM VisualAge Smalltalk, Windows NT, DB2

06/95-10/98 Advisory I/T Specialist, IBM Corp.: Atlanta, GA
IBM is one of the world's largest developer, creator and manufacturer of the industry's most advanced information technologies. As an Advisory I/T Specialist, completed numerous internal projects and consulting engagements that utilized advanced software engineering methodologies with either C++ or Smalltalk programming languages across multiple platforms.

05/97-10/98 IBM Consultant, on IBM client site: Fredericksburg, VA
As an onsite consultant, participated on a team of 6 developers responsible for adding functionality to client’s call center auto insurance application.

Development Activities
  • Assisted in coding call center application using Smalltalk
  • Performed full life cycle development using OMT and UML
  • Constructed and Coded application specific object libraries from business level rules
  • Designed graphical user interfaces and performed functional testing
  • Mentored less experienced developers in Smalltalk
Environment: 3-Tier, IBM VisualAge Smalltalk, OS/2 Warp, Windows NT, DB2, Rational Rose

12/96-05/97 IBM Consultant, on IBM client site: Atlanta, GA
As an onsite consultant, participated on a team of 5 developers tasked to upgrade various application modules from structured C language to a platform independent environment utilizing IBM's Open Class Library for C++.

Development Activities
  • Performed full life cycle development using Rumbaugh
  • Mentored less experienced developers in C++
  • Improved graphical user interface design and performed functional testing
  • Lead code reviews
Environment: 2-Tier, Borland C, IBM VisualAge C++, OS2 Presentation Manager, OS/2 vx, Windows NT, DB2

06/96 - 12/96 Rapid Solutions Development Prototyping , IBM Internal Project: Dallas, TX
As a staff programmer, participated on prototyping team responsible for rapid solutions development. Worked in 24-hour "turn around" cycles to create semi-functional prototypes for potential IBM customers.

Development Activities
  • Utilized the Visual Modeling Technique to develop prototypes in either C++ or Smalltalk
  • Analyzed and implemented business use-case scenarios into code
  • Designed graphical user interfaces and performed functional testing
  • Conducted technical environment reviews
  • Hosted client review meetings
Environment: 2-Tier, IBM VisualAge Smalltalk, IBM VisualAge C++, Windows, 3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT, OS/2 vx, DB2, Rational Rose

01/96 - 05/96 Electronic Power Trading, IBM Internal Project: Dallas, TX
As a staff programmer, participated on a team of 3 developers for the creation of an Internet based Electronic Power Trading System, which would allow the buying, and selling of utilities over the Internet.

Development Activities
  • Performed full life cycle development using Booch
  • Designed and implemented graphical user interfaces in Smalltalk, C++ and HTML
Environment: 2-Tier, IBM VisualAge Smalltalk, IBM VisualAge C++, OS/2 vx, HTML, DB2

06/95 - 12/95 Customer Information System, IBM Internal Project: Dallas, TX
As a staff programmer, participated on a team of 3 Programmer Analysts responsible for re-engineering the scheduling functions in an internal utilities call center application known as the Customer Information System.

Development Activities
  • Analyzed existing OS/2 Presentation Manager C code to identify business functions
  • Re-engineered functions into IBM VisualAge C++ using object oriented analysis and design techniques
  • Performed full life cycle development
  • Designed graphical user interfaces and performed functional testing
Environment: 2-Tier, OS/2 Presentation Manager, IBM VisualAge C++, OS/2 vx, DB2

1992-1995 B.S., Electrical Engineering, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
1999-Now Seeking M.S., Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

  • J2EE Design and Architecture (2000)
  • Advanced Java (1999)
  • Implementing Design Patterns (1998)
  • Consulting Practices and Principles (1997)
  • Advanced Smalltalk (1997)
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design (1996)
