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Mark & Ty's Trip to LA

...thanks to

All pictures by Mark Tomas, unless otherwise noted.

Ty, with our hotel in the background

Ty standing in front of the Universal City sign (duh!), also right by the hotel

Wandering around Universal City, where we eventually found food
(In'n'out Burger) close to our hotel (again, it's in the background)

Me and Ty in our room, watching Beck on the Tonight Show

Ty wanted to capture the whole thing on film...
Luckily, our VCR was going at home, too

Later Friday night, watching the Conan O'brian Show.
It looks like Ty's had a rough day! (Though I look grumpy too...)

This is the view from our balcony during the day -- facing North.
Most of the buildings you see are for Universal Studios

This is at night, towards the East, with the Universal Studios theme
park up on the hill. The lights to the left are Burbank, I believe.

Ty and I in our rental car -- this is the view from Ty's lap
(photo by Ty)

More driving around LA. And really, this is not a big car --
it's a Daewoo, even! I thought they only made cheap VCRs...

Ty on the plane as we fly home, writing a script for a radio ID

Me on the plane as we fly home (photo by Ty, of course)

More pictures to come soon! (Color, even!)

Here are some end-of-the-roll pictures that have nothing to do with the trip:

Steve and Ty at KUOI in Moscow, Monday night

Ty's on the radio, doing his show

Created December 1999 by Mark Tomas.
Last updated December 15, 1999.