Welcome to Siong Kai's Home Page

Hi! I am Siong Kai Ng. I come all the way from Malaysia, a multi-racial country situated in South East Asia. I'm majoring in Electrical Engineering and currently pursuing my degree in Michigan Technological University. I am in my senior year now at Michigan Technological University. You may want to look at my resume.

AmazingFacts Find out the amazing facts you haven't heard of.
The Electronics OnRamp This is an Electronics site. Pretty much of the electronics resources can be easily obtained here.
Ferrari Ferrari is my favorite car. Take a look at the car at Automobili section where you can view complete models of Ferrari from 1947 until presents.
PBS Online PBS Online is pioneering the creation and distribution of interactive programming to advance education, culture and citizenship worldwide. You can find lots of informations here.
Radio Corporation of Singapore They have life radio network where I can listen to their stations online. The stations I listen to frequently are Perfect Ten 98.7FM, yes 93.3FM and Symphony 92.4FM.
New Straits Times I used to read New Straits Times newspaper back in Malaysia. Basically, it covers basic aspect as most newspapers do.
Htmlgoodies Ever thought of learning HTML? Try this site
TomsHardware Guide to computer hardware

This page is maintained by Siong Kai and If there is any comment or suggestions, please feel free to email me at sng@mtu.edu