Computer Skills
Here you can read what I know about computers:
Operating Systems:
Windows 98
Windows 95
some Windows NT 4.0
Visual Basic 6.0
Visual Basic 5.0
Visual Basic 4.0 (32 and 16 bits)
Visual Basic 3.0
Quick Basic 4.5
some Borland Delphi 3.0
some C/C++
Embedded Microcontrollers:
Basic 52 for INTEL's MCS 51 8 bits microcontrollers
BASCOM-8052 for INTEL's MCS 51 8 bits microcontrollers
BASCOM-LT for INTEL's MCS 51 8 bits microcontrollers
some MICRO-C for INTEL's MCS 51 8 bits microcontrollers
little Assambler for INTEL's MCS 51 8 bits microcontrollers
Databases and Word Processors:
MSOffice 97 (Word 97, Access 97, Excel 97, PowerPoint 97)
MSOffice 7 (Word 7.0, Access 7.0, Excel 7.0, PowerPoint 7.0)
MSOffice 4.3 (Word 6.0, Access 2.0, Excel 5.0, PowerPoint)
some SQL
OrCAD for Windows and for DOS
some LabView for Windows
Web Pages Design:
Netscape Composer
Front Page Express
VB Script
some HTML
Multimedia Products Design:
Corel Draw 8
some Adobe (different programs)
Complete PC Hardware Assemble
Software Setup and Installation
PC and Peripherals Maintenance
Other Programs:
audio editing files
video and image editing files
CD writing programs
old Windows 3.1 and 3.0
And I hope that page will always be