James Bennetts' Picture Gallery

Photographs of my family.

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version) This is a picture of myself and my five cousins on my father's side of the family. From left to right, it shows my cousins Matthew, Joel and Natalie, my brother Andrew, my cousin Russell and myself. This photograph was taken on the occasion of Matthew's 21st birthday.

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version) This is another family picture, this time of my mother's parents surrounded by their grandchildren. The back row (from left to right, of course) is my brother Andrew, myself, and my cousins John and Kevin. In front of us are my cousins Fiona, Sarah and Majella. On the couch are our grandparents - Bill and Pauline, and sitting on the floor are Paul and Simon. Three cousins are missing from this picture - which was taken on my grandfather's 70th birthday - Rebecca was, I believe, crewing on a sailing ship when this was taken, and Timothy and Michelle had the slightly better excuse of not yet having been born.

Photographs of me.

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version) This is me, aged very young, wearing a green sunshade and playing with my Aunty Tricia's dog, and a broom. I'm sure the dog's having a great old time - but all the same, let's keep this picture away from the RSPCA...

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version) Here I am all dressed up and ready to go to my Year 12 ball, which was lots of fun - even though I didn't see the point of having the ball in March when we didn't graduate until November. However, I had a lot more fun at the Melbourne University Chocolate Appreciation Society Ball a few years later, and not just because the bands included Noiseworks, the Hoodoo Gurus and the Bachelors From Prague; or because of the copious amounts of free Maltesers scattered around the room; or because I got the opportunity to throw a full bottle of water at someone who I found genuinely irritating. No, the real reason I had more fun is that I was wearing my own dinner jacket. It's impossible to be comfortable in a rented tux. And somehow, when they're your own dress pants, you feel a little less guilty about getting chocolate smeared all over them. (At least, I assume it was chocolate.)

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version) This is a picture of myself, my best friend Dan, and Dan's wife, Liz.

Photographs of me and my brother.

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version)My parents think that is the best photograph ever taken of us. I think they're nuts.

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version) Christmas 1976. Here Andrew is just a little over a year old, and he's already perfected the art of starting into a camera and looking adorable.

(Click on the image to view the full-sized version) Autumn 1986. Here, Andrew and I are about to head off to school. Fashion lovers everywhere will no doubt rejoice at the news that Xavier has since changed the design of the horrible grey junior school uniform that Andrew is wearing in this shot. (The little bastards still have to wear those short pants in winter, though. Heh heh heh.)

Last Updated: 29 March 2004 1