
Page of and by Hexaplexo of Silicon Valley.

    WELCOME and NOTE that this resource location is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. The date of completion is not known as of yet; but when it is, it will be APPEARING MUCH DIFFERENTLY than as current, and will include not only a home page and a guest book, it will include and BE a an entire directory devoted to the purposes in the following paragraph. This resource location may also have a duplicate, but in the language of Spanish, and/or perhaps others.

    The description and purpose of this resource location is to ascertain Mathematics and Computer Programming; and Space-Time Travel: Hypothesis and Theory.

    The following are some of my favorite non-commercial inrernet links: Fourumi Lab: Orbits in Strongly Curved Space-Time, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Artificial Intelligence, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Encyclopedia Titanica.

:\ Jeorj Euler (symbolic alias)

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