The PCISIM Homepage


PCISIM is both a logic simulation library and a PCI simulation environment coded using the simulation library. It can be used as a stand-alone logic simulation library, or as a complete PCI simulation environment by using the PCI models included.

The PCISIM library is based on the C++ OO programming facilities. ALL the logic modules are derived from a basic class, called sync_logic. Simple logic modules can be expanded further by building more complex classes derived from simpler classes. Module instantiation is achived by including module classes as aggregate members in a new class definition.


Here is a link to the library documentation.
Here is a link to the PCIShell documentation.
Please note that the documentation looks much better under IE 4.0 than under Netscape Communicator 4.05. This is not because I like Microsoft so much, but rather because IE 4.0 seems to be much more compliant with HTML 4.0, in which I have written the document.

Here is a link to the code. It compiles under Visual C++ 5.0, but would also compile under any reasonable C++ compiler. I have ran this in the past under gcc 2.7.2 and Visual C++ 4.2, but you will have to build the Makefile yourself. (Yes, I'm that lazy).

Also, Here is a link to My Thesis in Adobe PDF format. I have used PCISIM as part of my thesis.

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