PUNTO is a perl script for transforming and optimizing PCB netlists.
PUNTO is very useful when ECO are needed on an existing PCB layout.
PUNTO currently contains three functions: diff, sort, and fix:
sort sorts all the nets in a netlist, and all the nodes in each net, based on an alphabetical order. It also cleans up long lines and indents the netlist to make it more readable.
diff compares two netlists and reports which nets were added, which nets were removed, and which nets were modified. Modified nets are broken down at the node level. Each modified net has a description specifying which nodes were added and which nodes were removed.
fix This is by far the most important function in PUNTO. It compares two netlists, and generates a third netlist. The first netlist is the original netlist, and the second netlist is an ECO netlist. As a result, the fix mode will generate a new ECO netlist that will be electrically identical to the previous ECO netlist, except it may rename some of the nets. The new ECO netlist will resemble the original netlist as much as possible, reducing extra work from the PCB program accepting the ECO netlist.
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