Admiral RHD キキキキ(Aquia) airb340 キキキキ(The United Federation of Races) |
Featured: torpedo |
Kreptian date 3286.18.01.01 State of Alert!! Report just in: Space pirates from one of the systems in the United Federation of Races. Current information is that they reak havok stealing what they can find. The travel through unknown worm holes which seem unstable. The pirates are heading towards our small system of krept. The pirates have not yet been spotted. |
Ships Technologies Robots Scenes from krept Scenes from krept Transmitions |
Kreptian date: 3286.18.02.10 We have met with the United Federation of races, and are going to talk about trading technologies. They have informed us of a wormhole that leads to Vasuda Prime. We are hoping to trade our holographic projections technology for their shielding technology. |
Kreptian date: 3286.17.20.16 Still nothing on the worm holes. We are waiting for the Federation to send us any data that they may have found. They are comming!! The Federation is sending a ship to us with what we believe to be an ambassador. We also hear that an Aquian ship is being sent with it. We know little about the Aquians. It will be amazing to meet both species. |
Kreptian date: 3286.17.10.06 We have succeded in communications to the United Federation of Races. Although the transmition had to be sent twice due to equipment failior, we have become a protectorate the the Federation and hope to trade some of our technologies for some of their war technologies. <First and Second transmitions.> Right now, they are debating on the trade. They have, however, sent us a packet to help us understand their languages. Also, both sides are researching on where any worm holes in our system may lead. Currently our scientists have found nothing. We hope the Federations research wasn't as fruitless. ---end log--- |