Homework Excuses
50 things to do in an exam
University Final Exam
Ways to annoy your roommate
Hong Kong
Weird names found in Hong Kong - This is no joke. Hong Kong people are creative when it comes to English names
Yinglish - A Nury Vittachi column about how Hong Kongers mix Cantonese and English in their conversations. Warning: You need to know Cantonese to understand this
Hong Kong teens & the Environment - A joke about the extent of knowledge Hong Kong teens know about saving the environment. Another Nury Vitachi column
60 signs You've lived in Hong Kong for too long
If Computer Operating Systems were Airlines
If the Microsoft HQ was in South Tennesee
Diary of an AOL User - Joke that circulated several years ago dissing AOL users
So you think you're Computer Illiterate?
George Bush
Gore Fan
Bush Intelligence Quiz
Bay Area
You know you're a true San Francisco resident if...
Dumb Bank Robbers
Yo Mama Jokes: fat stupid