Welcome to Soraya's Home Page

... If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization,
it expects what never was and never will be. – Thomas Jefferson

…Se uma naçao espera ser ignorante e livre, em era de civilização,
espera que nunca foi e nunca sera. – Thomas Jefferson


This page was built with the objective to share information with all the people that cross my way and it is interested in one or more things that are related with my life. You can go into greater detail just by following the menu on the left.  Note: Some of the pages is only in portuguese or only in english - sorry I will be working harder to make it more "globally" oriented.

What We Do

Now that I have explained who I am, go ahead and say a little about you and what are you doing visiting my page. Just e-mail me.

Welcome - Bem Vindo - Bien Venido