I will use 747.zip as an example. First drag and drop the 747.zip file into the aircrafts directory inside your flight simulator directory. Then double click on the 747.zip file to activate WinZip. Unzip it into your aircrafts directory inside your FS directory. Now if it's a FS 98 plane it will have the file with everything already in it and you can just run FS98 and go, but if it's not then you will have to construct it. A good indication that you need to convert it is if there are a bunch of files with a .#af extension and a .air file. If that's the case then launch the converter and read the next paragraph. What's that you say.... Ohh, You don't have the converter. Fix that by clicking here.
Click on Aircraft Files and navigate your way to the .air file
you want to convert(eg. 747.air). Then click on the .air file and click open. Wala. You just converted your FSFS plane to FS98 format.
Hey are things getting frustrating cuz they aren't working like they are supposed to? If they are just mash your keyboard with a hammer a half dozen times to ease the tension and then e-mail me with your problem. christafuzzy@cyberdude.com