
Reviewed by: Benear

June 14, 1999


Any film with Mick Jagger as a drag queen is worth the rental price. Watching this filmed play (which has all the usual problems associated with such efforts) I was reminded of what a fraud Stephen Speilberg is. Speilberg researched the holocaust and found the one single story with a happy ending and gave the world Shindler's List. A generation is growing up with the message that "yea, a lot of people died but some really good ones made it out O.K."

Bent is a film/play about the significance of the pink triangle as well as the yellow Star of David. Every queer should see this film before they go out and celebrate this month. Pride events should be much more than another excuse to have a party.

It is also about the systematic dehumanization techniques the Nazi's used. There is no shrinking here from the truth that most people chose to not be heros. They lied and they cowered rather than die. But there is something inside each human being where humanity can not be further reduced. That is the point where we are all capable of being heros and choosing to make a statement of free will in the face of horror. To choose to love a fellow human being rather than to deny our humanity. In a way, to choose love over life.

And Jude Law is one cute Nazi!