The Green Mile


Feburary 7, 2000


Saw The Green Mile this weekend. Given that I am on record as calling The Shawshank Redemption the best movie of the '90's, and this is also based on a Stephen King novel and directed by the same person, my expectations were very high. Generally they were met, although I was less fond of this story for 2 reasons:

  1. I generally resist stories with mystical premises, and accepting the miracles performed by the prisoner is necessary to following the movie.
  2. I would have a hard time believing the prison guards were that professional and compassionate in a story set in prisons today, much less in a story set in rural Louisiana in 1935. I was especially surprised at the lack of racism depicted.

The Squirrel said it was the finest movie she has seen since Schindler's List. I am not as in awe of it, but still give it 4 planets (out of 4).