

December 28, 2000


Before I head off on a bike ride along the coastline ( I hate saying that while the rest of the country finds itself in snowdrifts and icy weather, but what can I do ? ), I just want to say that I went and saw the movie,FedEx last night ... Oops, check that. I meant to say I went and saw Cast away last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The plane crash ( I don't want to die that way ) and water scenes were excellent, as was the inspiration to go work out -- Hank's transformation in the movie from a fat, soft, slug of a physique into the well honed one at the end was just utterly amazing. I doubt special effects could have had produced any of those images ... hmmmmm, could they do that today yuh think ?

I won't ruin the ending for those who haven't seen it, just to say that I wished Helen Hunt had had more than the bookend appearance she had in the whole thing. I was disappointed with the ending. It didn't quite end with the quintessential Hollywood la-la fairytale ending, but it came close.

...I have to wonder if this will do for FedEx what that little turd of an alien did for Reese's Peanut Butter cups ?

What was the name of that movie ?