The Mummy

Reviewed by: Harper

May 10, 1999


I also saw "The Mummy" over the weekend and I have to agree with ChristinO. I really do like Brendan Fraser. While the critics here (DC) shat all over it, I wonder what movie they saw. One critic jumped all over it for a rcist attitude toward the people of color in the film (I think one critic referred to them as "cloth heads"). Now, in a film that takes place in 1926 Egypt, you might expect a bit of Brit attitude (hey, at least nobody called anyone a "wog") toward the natives, but I think the critic overlooked the fact that one of the Bedouin(?) guardians of the City of the Dead a) was drop-dead gorgeous enough to make me look away from Mr. Fraser for a few minutes, b) acquitted himeslf intelligently & bravely during the adventure, and c) survived.

In any case, "The Mummy" was an old-fashioned adventure with special effects. Not as great as "Indiana Jones," but then what is? There were the usual 1930s stock characters & stock plot. Lots of ooky bugs & rotting corpses. You know, standard stuff. But more humor than one would expect. Brendan Fraser, as an ex-Legionaire, cracked wise a lot. The heroine, Rachel Weisz (who was wonderful in "Swept from the Sea") was not your screaming, helpless type. That was her brother.

BTW, does anyone know who played that beautiful Bedouin? I didn't catch the name in the credits.