Spike Jonez' masterpiece is the best film I've seen this year.
But what is most surprising is how well this erstwhile director
of some great music videos ("Sabotage" by the Beastie
Boyz and Weezer's "Buddy Holly" are prime examples of
Jonze at his peak, making gold in the craphouse that is music
video by riffing off of 70s television) manages to keep a true
line for all 112 minutes. The film blends physical comedy, greed,
lust, existentialism, and celebrity in perfect parts, and it
offers several of the more finely realized comic scenes in years.
Moreover, the performances of John Cusack, John Malkovich,
Catherine Keener, and Cameron Diaz are all sharp and witty.
Keener is especially effective as a remorseless sexual capitalist.
Mary Kay Place and Orson Bean also turn in unique and hilarious
supporting performances.
The film is explainable, but I advise people to beg off of
reading in depth treatments of the plot, not because some great,
dark secret will spoil the film for you, but rather, because the
film is so audacious in content and presentation that prior
explication could mottle the enjoyment. Suffice it to say that
the title pretty much explains it. It is Jonez' "Alice in
Wonderland" and it is a work of genius.