I, too, saw The Blair Witch Project with my wife yesterday in a
small theatre immediately near our place. I saw little to relieve
this juvenile film even though I was more than willing to suspend
disbelief, and the small audience must have agreed for laughter
rippled throughout the film. I saw three kids lost in the woods,
becoming increasingly - well, acting like kids as they get loster
and loster trying to find THE CAR. Things go bump and hoot in the
night, their tent is even ruffled, and after a slime attack
("Fuck! Shit! This is Fucking Bad!") on some bit of
camping gear one becomes gone for good. This movie isn't worth
any analysis, it either works by scaring the bejeesus out of you,
or it doesn't. Open laughter by the audience sure doesn't convey
terror now, does it?
The only nagging question - What were those bits of bloody bright
parts wrapped in flannel? - isn't enough of a mystery to
recommend seeing the film.
There is one question I'll concede to The Blair Witch Project.
After wandering around the woods for days and nights with the
sole thought of reaching some bit of civilization you find a
house. Where there's a house there's a road, or a path, or some
marked way to some main road. That's my thought, because a house
with windows, fireplace and plaster lathes sure doesn't form out
of Nature.